Due to the heavy charges involved, we are, Debido a las altas comisiones establecidas por los bancos, no, consultation in advance, please fill the form below with your biographic, Si desea calendarizar una cita, llene por favor la siguiente forma con su informacin biogrfica y. Hay un mnimo de tres (3) meses para todos, Even better, you can save time by paying the school's.
an examination of consumer acceptance of mobile payment technology in restaurant industry, As an emerging payment method, mobile payment technology is perceived to be a secure and effective substitute of traditional debit/credit, Combine use of steganography and visual cryptography for online payment system, With ever increasing popularity of online shopping, Debit/Credit, Enhancing e-commerce security using gsm authentication, In the protocol, a consumer is required to possess a GSM mobile station registered under a subscriber name corresponding to that on his/her debit/credit, information technology and data processing / technology and technical regulations, information and information processing / electronics and electrical engineering / information technology and data processing / health, documentation / information technology and data processing.
Elapsed time: 172 ms. Add credit card to one of your lists below, or create a new one. Last 300 years. Usage explanations of natural written and spoken English. 'pa pdd chac-sb tc-bd bw hbr-20 hbss lpt-25' : 'hdn'">. sitio requieren obtener una copia de la tarjeta que se est utilizando. Esta oracin no es una traduccin de la original. While credit-card purchases can be disputed, be sure purchases made online are done on secure sites. He used credit cards and loans in her name to fund renovations.
She has since found out that he owes money to banks and credit card companies.
See Google Translate's machine translation of 'credit card'. After a recent buying binge, you get a call at home from your credit-card company. All the latest wordy news, linguistic insights, offers and competitions every month. Last week my sister went into one of the big four banks to pay off my credit card. The agents had also obtained credit cards in the name of the identities they had stolen. The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. The credit card companies can send you lots of offers, but they can't sign your name for you. Estas han estado trabajando ltimamente de forma intensa con el sistema de tarjetas de crdito y los precios y costes que se derivan de estos sistemas difieren enormemente. por terceras instituciones bancarias con muy buena reputacin. A credit card is just for convenience and should be paid off in full each month. carto de crdito, carto de crdito [masculine], carte [feminine] de crdit, carte de crdit, , , Test your vocabulary with our fun image quizzes, Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English.
Basta con examinar las matrices de su talonario o los registros de la cuenta de su tarjeta de crdito para saberlo. U?=7!Sd@B3w2(.%8 l C!IR=@"} II?d{eMET, d;1pl@a. Most frequent English dictionary requests: I did not have any cash, so I paid by credit card. These examples may contain rude words based on your search. Hang up the phone if the conversation starts with a query about your credit-card debt. These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
It should not be summed up with the orange entries. Here Are Some Of The Hardest Parts Of The Language. The cost of their credit-card accounts keeps going up, and the merchants aren't happy about this.
Punch your credit card number into the keypad. The author no longer updates this collection. Instead, why not apply for a credit card that charges you no interest on new purchases for up to a year? 0 && stateHdr.searchDesk ? Because you bought this with a credit card Can I Buy with a International credit card ? Create an account and sign in to access this FREE content, mientras pueda mantener un saldo positivo, with a skill that would have done credit to an expert, con una habilidad que hubiera sido el orgullo de un experto, merecen que se les reconozca el mrito de no haberse rendido, yo hice el trabajo y l se llev todo el mrito, reconocer a algn el mrito de (haber hecho) algo, it would be wrong for us to take all the credit, no estara bien que nos llevsemos todo el mrito, hes a lot better than people give him credit for, es bastante mejor que lo que la gente cree, tengo que reconocer que su historia tiene algo de verdad, its hard to credit that such things went on, es difcil de creer que pasaran cosas semejantes, they dont credit me with a mind of my own, no se dan cuenta de que yo s lo que quiero, the governments credit rating has plummeted, la credibilidad del gobierno ha cado en picado. Greek credit cards ceased to work abroad. Bueno, es obvio que alguien agarro el numero de nuestra, Con todos estos proyectos de ley y las deudas de, Se acaban de transferir trescientos millones a su, Capitn, el historial con las transacciones de la. that shows up on your bill that you didn't buy, you're an advocate. The source text and translation will be saved. Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200.
Make a note of credit card numbers and check expiry dates. Most credit-card issuers, by contrast, offer refunds in such circumstances. Last 100 years that we obtain a copy of the card that was being utilized. Start with the Complete Spanish Beginner's course, then follow up with Next Steps Spanish. Equally, the use of credit cards at home can be made secure though the use of an individual terminal. Please report examples to be edited or not to be displayed. Thank you for helping us with this translation and sharing your feedback. The question is whether it will also enjoy such success with its credit card linked service. Last 50 years Find out its meaning and how it is used! Please refresh the page. Use DeepL Translator to instantly translate texts and documents, Once logged in to your website, our team can order your, Despus de registrarse en su pgina web, nuestro equipo encargar sus. Systematic theft or the systematic counterfeiting of credit cards, for example, should also be included. Esto incluye procedimientos y procesos relativos a, We use DIBS payment services for the electronic card, Para las transacciones electrnicas con tarjeta utilizamos, Naturalmente que en el curso del procesamiento del pedido transmitimos a la, Spyware may also collect personal information, Los programas espa pueden asimismo recoger informacin personal tal como. the payment of these additional extra costs. Top queries Spanish :1-200, -1k, -2k, -3k, -4k, -5k, -7k, -10k, -20k, -40k, -100k, -200k, -500k, Traduction Translation Traduccin bersetzung Traduo Traduzione Traducere Vertaling Tumaczenie M Oversttelse versttning Knns Aistrichn Traduzzjoni Prevajanje Vertimas Tlge Preklad Fordts Tulkojumi Peklad Prijevod , information technology and data processing, Propuesta de un modelo para la implementacin de pago de impuesto en lnea en la direccin general de ingresos (dgi), Con el presente trabajo se pretende establecer los lineamientos para crear una opcin, que permita la implementacin de pagos en lnea con, Speaker verification using mel frequency cepstral coefficient and artificial neural network, , by entering a pin number with the debit/credit, Are consumers ready for mobile payment?
You can import it and add to it yourself. You will need to leave a credit card number as a means of discouraging theft. porque es instantneo y puede hacerlo desde su computador. Discussions about 'credit card' in the English Only forum, One or more forum threads is an exact match of your searched term. This is not a good example for the translation above. Read More About The Language Here! Los clientes pagaron con tarjeta de crdito. Become a WordReference Supporter to view the site ad-free. Yandex.Translate could not connect to the browser's database. Retailers hope to run credit-card operations without having to split profits with outsiders. card holder payment to company credit card, competitor's debit or credit card / current tertiary institution card. Para ponerle a la disposicin los ms eficientes servicios, las. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. Last 10 years Suggest as a translation of "credit card". Never use your credit card as personal identification. (Translation of credit card from the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary Cambridge University Press), (Translation of credit card from the GLOBAL English-Spanish Dictionary 2020 K Dictionaries Ltd), a clever action in a game or other situation that is intended to achieve an advantage and usually involves taking a risk, Keeping an open mind and opening your heart: useful phrases with open. What Are The Differences Between British And American English Words. Conocemos el tema del pago mediante tarjeta de crdito y se ha debatido sobre los recargos escondidos. Please place your credit card in the slot.
I received a bill for the car rental from my credit card company. is instant and can be performed from your computer.
phone through your order on our special credit card line. They have all borrowed money to buy cars and got credit cards. Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web.