Learn more about our new Insiders program here. While the hawking is not really aggressive, it's definitely keyed in to children's behavior and it's bound to unleash a chorus of "Can I get that?!"

It's definitely not Barnum and Bailey, but it's a lot of fun in a low-key, old fashioned sort of way. While you're watching from the stands, the circus takes the opportunity to try to sell you popcorn, cotton candy, snow-cones, light-up toys, and balloons. So, not sure exactly what to expect, we rolled up to the big top on Friday night. from your kids. You may use these HTML tags and attributes:
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We actually had the coupons, but neglected to bring them based on what we read. If you have advance tickets you can walk right in, otherwise pay at the ticket window in the circus truck parked near the tent. St. Vincent's is located on St. Vincent Drive off Highway 101 in Marinwood just south of Novato. Parking costs $4 per car. Standing in a freshly mowed hay field, the blue-and-yellow striped big top is actually quite a sight to behold. We want to provide informative and inspirational stories that connect you to the people, issues and opportunities within our community. Your email address will not be published. We just wish that communications were a little clearer. Acts were brief and often dazzling, and kept kids in rapt attention as the show went on. American Crown Circus/Circo Osorio performs at St. Vincent's through Monday, May 28, 2012. Otherwise, they're $5 each. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Ocean Institute Maritime Festival Event Guide, Swallows Day Parade & Mercado Event Guide, Editors Pick: American Crown Circus & Circo Osorio, The American Crown Circus & Circo Osoriois, Health & Nutrition 101: Consuming Priority Foods More Regularly, At the Movies: The Worst Person in the World Gets It Right, At the Movies: Thor: Love & Thunder Not So Thunderous, Editors Pick: Summer Beach Concert Series: Wigs & Ties, Editors Pick: 45th Annual San Clemente Ocean Festival, A new mural will soon be featured on the south side of the concession and restroom building located at San Clemente https://t.co/6vPh57QlFs, Too many worries were left unresolved to warrant joining the alternative Clean Energy Alliance at Tuesday nights m https://t.co/5TEeDSzfXA, U.S. Rep. Mike Levin votes to pass an annual defense bill with key benefits for Camp Pendleton Marines, including w https://t.co/qegKDEomjk. The American Crown Circus &Circo Osoriois designed for family fun of all ages. Trustworthy, accurate and reliable local news stories are more important now than ever. Thats why the SC Times is now turning to you for financial support. 2022 Marin Mommies. BECOME AN INSIDER TODAY Learn more here. Inside the tent is a single circus ring surrounded by grandstands and a small concession stand selling popcorn, cotton candy, hot dogs, sodas, and other treats. Don't get the SC Times delivered to your home? Journalism requires lots of resources. This circus is a small one, and seems to be largely a family affair.
Check out the latest issue of the SC Times. Advance tickets, available at Matt and Jeff's Car Wash in Novato, are $14 for adults; you'll pay $16 to get in at the door. Featured Image: Courtesy of The American Crown Circus &Circo Osoriois. The article youre about to read is from our reporters doing their important work investigating, researching, and writing their stories. Animals at American Crown Circus are limited to a trained miniature horse and a bunny that gets lifted out of a box during the magic show. Visit a "Tropical Fairadise" at the 2022 Sonoma County Fair. Credit cards are accepted for admission, but bring some cash to pay for all the snacks and souvenirs that your kids will try to talk you into buying. One of the big draws is that children are supposed to be admitted free with paid adult admission. Contribute to the SC Times and become an 949.535.2323. outletsatsanclemente.com. Thank you. We really enjoyed the acrobatic exertions of Oleg on his tottering tower of chairshe stacked them one atop the other and did handstands and other moves at the top, the "Gauchos of Fire"whopredictablyjuggled, twirled, and tossed flaming objects, and the unexpectedly well done magic show performed by none other than the ringmaster (dressed this time in an outfit that made him look kind of like Keanu Reeves in The Matrix). For the past few years, Novato Sunrise Rotary has brought the American Crown Circus/Circo Osorio to St. Vincent's in Marinwood for a series of performances over Memorial Day Weekend. All Rights Reserved. The Outlets at San Clemente, 101 West Avenida Vista Hermosa, San Clemente. All rights reserved. A15-minute intermission provided a chance for pony rides and a stretching your legs, as well as a bathroom break. This year we made it a point to go, since we always seem to have missed it in years past. It was a little confusing and disappointing, but ultimately we didn't mind paying since it is a community fundraiser put on by Rotary, after all. This may either disappoint you or make you happy depending on which side of the fence you sit on regarding the ethics of keeping and training circus animals. Costumes were appropriately glitzy and glitterycheck out the ringmaster's series of improbably sparkly tailcoats.