She is an Aquarius Ranger with the ice element. Legend/Top 100 Arena inEpic 7. With a base speed of 129, Ran only needs a speed set with speed main stat boots to achieve 210 speed; more than enough to outspeed anything up to Master rank in Arena. Heres a breakdown of reasons to pull or not pull for Cerise: Hard Counter to cleave teams, which arerampant in Arena and World Arena, Very high base speed for an initiator (122), Enables many comps that were previously shut down by immunity (Dizzy, ML Aramintha), There are better choices against non-cleave teams as a debuffer, No off turn utility (If she misses, she does nothing!). Emilia is a brilliant CR pusher, granting a slower hero (usually your beefy DPS) a ton of combat readiness, as well as increased attack. Alongside her ability to make any slow DPS a raid boss, Emilia can dispel all debuffs from allies before healing and providing a shield, although this skill does have a big cooldown.
Rem is primarily a PvP hero and should be placed in your defense team alongside other powerful heroes that require your opponent to defeat before Rem. Sporting a base speed of 122, she can be easily equipped by all players as a hard counter to almost all existing cleave teams in the meta since she has much higher base speed than all meta CR booster; as the main DPS of a cleave team will rely heavily on CR increase, which is blocked by restrict. After forcing enemy units to become unable to be buffed and restricted for 2 turns, Peira gains an extra turn to boost all allies attack stats, as well as taking 30% of any damage dealt to allies. Quite a niche unit but one that has a lot of uses in PvP and against Archdemon Mercedes in the Hall of Trials.
However, she is great once youve reached end game and are able to produce quality sets more often, so pull her if you see her available. No other 5* Heroes can be pulled on his banner, 121 pulls guarantees you a Cerise, regardless of the rates, Your actual chance to pull her before you reach the pity summon timer of 121 pulls is ABOUT 61.9% (this is no guarantee, just the odds of getting there in 120 summons or fewer), There IS a rate-up Artifact on this banner - Guiding Light. A Casual gacha addict and lover of waifus. Today we will be receiving our first limited unit of 2020, Cerise. Before she was even released, SmileGate nerfed her skills and mechanics to ensure she wouldnt shift the meta too much upon on release. If you can get that, a simple Ran cleave build can easily carry you to Challenger and beyond! Basically, a staple of cleave builds, you should check out the list of best AoE DPS heroes for a list of units she works best alongside. She needs a lot of speed, effectiveness, and offensive stats. However, she is still a strong unit that could very well see updates in the future for her to regain herself as the Queen of debuff openers. We are looking at a very strong debuffer on the horizon. When an ally is attacked, Rem has a chance to counter with a hard-hitting AoE attack, reducing buff durations and rendering them unhealable. Some of the best PvP openers in the game are Ice heroes, but they also have some incredible counter-attackers if that suits your play-style a bit more. F. Tenebria spreads debuffs like wildfire, stripping buffs and forcing enemy units to attack your tankiest heroes. Cerises S3 also brings a whole pack of other utilities including decrease buff duration, Slow, and invincibility for herself, which can guarantee her next turn to use her S2. In PvE, it is doubtful Cerise would be brought often to many teams as many bosses (Wyvern 11) are pre-programmed to be immune to restrict, preventing any shenanigans with Cerise. Players with enough resources should try to acquire them. Her ability to apply poison is a nice boon for taking on certain Abyss floors too.
While her usage seems limited in PvE, she is by far the fastest debuffing initiator and can combo well with many debuffing units and could allow for players more freedom to build a team without regard for turn 1 immunity. Recommended Build: Crit Chance | Crit Damage. Ran is also great in the Fire expedition thanks to his non-attack skill leading into defense break. They don't give away as, @Andrew, You can't get a banana farm in CHIMPS because C in CHIMPS stands for Cash and no extra lives, most of these cards are either banned or not staples anymore lmao, Copyright 2022 QTopTens | Bamboo on Trellis Framework by Mediavine, best counter-attacking hero in Epic Seven, Yugioh: Staples Every Duelist Should Own 2022, [Review] Epic Seven: Most F2P Friendly Gacha on the Market, Top 10 Best Legendary Dwellers in Fallout Shelter, 10 Best Monkey Knowledges Bloons Tower Defense 6. Be careful when bringing her into Arena fights, as she can be hard-countered by anti-counter and anti-AoE units like Angel of Light Angelica and Lionheart Cermia. Any other stats can go into health or defense for extra survivability. Putting gear and resources into a unit can be disastrous if they turn out to be useless, so consulting this list of the best Ice heroes is a good idea! The most outstanding part of her kit is the introduction of the new mechanic, Restrict, which makes enemy units inflicted unable to gain (or lose) Combat Readiness due to another units skill. This prevents them from being targetted by a single-hit and reduces the damage of an AoE attack at the cost of the buff. Featured in the best Soul Weavers and best Heroes for Wyvern lists, Angelica is a staple of any Epic Seven players collection.
Currently, World Arena (known as RTA; real-time arena) gives Soul Weavers an additional speed boost, making Emilia even more valuable in 2022. Up there with the most frustrating units in the entire game, Rem is currently the best counter-attacking hero in Epic Seven. For Debuffers and Initiators, it is paramount for them to have as much speed as possible as outspeeding opponent initiators will grant players the initiative to the whole fight. Afterwards, her other abilities are good for stunning or triggering dual attacks. How to get: Connections and 4* Covenant Summon. She is capable of stunning entire teams, decreasing their combat readiness, and applying defense breaks. Make no mistake, Ice units tend to be more generalised than other elements in Epic Seven.
As of 2022, Ran is currently the strongest and most useful Ice unit in Epic Seven. That being said, lets look at if Cerise is worth your Skystones. After the 2 most important stats, players can look to increase either survivability through being tanky or having a bit more damage to supplement the value of her high speed. Since her skill 3 ignores elemental advantages, it almost always lands! Cerise is a debuffing initiator designed to hard counter cleave teams. Major Rebalancing Walkthrough and Thoughts (October Edition). After that, players can look to increase their Effectiveness % to improve consistency as many meta Soul Weavers will be rocking very high resistance. Exceptional in PvE while retaining some PvE usages, countless strategies rely on Rans insane base speed stat. The only problem with Cerise is her gear requirements. Her S1 is very simple, as it just boosts her CR, helping her cycle her turns faster. Ice heroes are some of the most useful units in Epic Seven due to their ability to produce results in Wyvern Hunts, as well as tackle big bosses in Adventure mode. Used as an opener for cleave builds, Flan is an excellent hero for applying the defense break debuff to all enemy heroes. While I do think this artifact has unique applications to fast off-DPS heroes such as Lidica and Faithless Lidica and definitely has high potential in the future, debuffers such as cerise are often slightly tankier through a hp% necklace and Cerise herself has a built in Invicibility, which overlaps for a turn. As long as youre hitting at like 260 speed, shell be a strong starting choice for any PvP battle. Eda is definitely more of a supportive PvP hero but she can also deal some nice damage. Copyright (C) GamePress All Rights Reserved. As for Artifacts, Cursed Compass is always a go-to to increase the consistency of the initiation. Since her buff, Eda has seen significant play in the PvP scene thanks to her capable AoE debuffing power. She is mostly used in PvP but can have some usage in PvE scenarios that require a single powerful hero to do most of the damage. Outside of that, she can quite flexibly utilize a number of artifacts such as Song of Stars (to increase team DPS), Sashe Ithanes (to increase snowball potential of AoE DPS), or even Guiding Light (to further boost self survivability). How to Efficiently Skill & Level up Pets! Even in cases where opponents would opt to ban her in world arena, this allows players the room to bring other units that could otherwise pull a ban. But its not as if she would need more utility in an already packed skill set. Rather than specialising in one specific gameplay aspect, they can often be used among many different types of content. Categories Entertainment, Epic Seven, Gaming, Epic Seven: Furious Easy Wyvern Build Guide, They're always still good to have :) Any banned/outdated cards will be remarkably cheap to acquire and could very well, I have spent maybe $100 not $5000 Look at any other gacha on the market. How to get: 5* Limited Summon (wait for her banner). Shes easy to build as she enjoys pretty much every stat out there, including effectiveness and effect resistance. Consider supporting GamePress and the author of this article by joining GamePress Boost! 12/12/2019 Content Update: Skins and More. Considered to be one of the best PvE heroes in the game, Seaside Bellona is excellent in Abyss, Labyrinth, Expeditions, and even Wyvern hunts. If you see a defense team containing Emilia with heroes like Bloodblade Karin or Arbiter Vildred, make sure to avoid attacking it! If youre reading this, youre most likely looking to diversify your hero pool. Her special buff Demon Mode is one of the best in the game, massively reducing the enemys ability to affect her with debuffs or special effects. Cerises usage would most likely comefrom Arena and World Arena, where CR boost units thrive and players can spare a hero slot to hard counter an enemy team. As you start to climb ranks, Ran really needs at least 280 speed to reliably go first in PvP fights. Since she counter-attacks often regardless of which ally is attacked, SSB doesnt need speed. Boasting one of the highest base speeds of all heroes in the entire game, Peira is a powerful opener to debuff and support allies. TL;DR, Cerise wants as high speed as possible, followed up effectiveness, then players can fit whatever they want into her stats. Major Rebalancing Walkthrough and Thoughts (August 2020 Edition), Epic Seven Official Livestream on December 5th. However, until then, she will carry you past Episode 3 in Adventure, Wyvern Hunts, Abyss Floors, and Labyrinths. Cerises S2 is a good follow up skill after stripping turn 1 immunity, as it allows her to help continually locking down key heroes in an enemy team, such as key buffer or DPS, if your opponent has a single DPS.
All in all both Cerise and her artifact are limited.