(F,S,SS), Introduction to economic analysis of individual units' households and firms. The Division of Finance & Administration provides leadership in the administration of all financial operations including: Office of Business & Finance, Controllers, and Treasury, and Facilities Management. Students can useClass Searchwhich doesn't require login or visitMyFIUto view courses. Small class in which students will discuss readings, write research paper, and defend research and ideas orally. Coverage includes linear regression model, heteroscedasticity, serial correlation, multicollinearity, and simultaneous equations. 0000009255 00000 n A student majoring in Economics may spend one or two semesters fully employed in industry or government in a capacity relating to the major. 0000003752 00000 n (F,S). Satisfies SACS requirement in oral competency. 0000002524 00000 n 1347 0 obj <>stream Prerequisite: ECO 3101, ECO 3203, ECO 3410, ECO 4421, Describes the way resources are allocated in a market economy and cases where markets fail. Does not count as economics elective toward economics major. Requires consent of faculty supervisor and Department Chairperson. Prerequisite: ECO 2013. (F,S). Economic analysis of why some countries are rich and some are poor, why some countries grow fast and others do not. 0 0000154320 00000 n Prerequisite: ECO 2013. Policy implications relating to employment, economic growth, balance of payments, taxation, and national defense. 624 0 obj <> endobj 656 0 obj <>stream 0000155304 00000 n Prerequisites: ECO 2013 and ECO 2023. Prerequisites: ECO 2013 and ECO 2023.
The relationship of economic principles to law and the use of economic analysis to the study of legal problems. Theory of the firm, market structure; business strategies and conduct. This list contains all the undergraduate courses that are found in the University Course Catalog. 0000003805 00000 n 0000003180 00000 n A course designed to give students a particular topic or a limited number of topics not otherwise offered in the curriculum. 0000009930 00000 n (F). Patterns of consumer expenditure; effects of public policy on family incomes and consumption patterns. ENG: 10555 W Flagler St, EC 2400 Miami, FL 33174 CS/IT: 11200 SW 8th St, CASE 354 Miami, FL 33174, Florida International University | Web/Accessibility Policy | Website Administration | Website Feedback. Analysis of problems facing women in developing countries, focusing on gender and cultural issues and their relationships to economic development. Survey of the economic systems of the major countries of the Caribbean. Contributions to economic thought from ancient times to J. M. Keynes. 0000154113 00000 n Study of urban areas, their characteristics and economic functions. Dual enrollment college credit will transfer to any Florida public college or university offering a course with the Statewide Course Numbering System, or the same prefix, and number. 0000156102 00000 n Prerequisites: ECO 3101, ECO 3203, and MAC 2311 or permission of the instructor. Does not count as economics elective toward economics major. Emphasis on the contrast between market-oriented capitalist economies and Soviet-style planned economies, and on the process of transition from planned to market-oriented systems. Partner schools offer courses that are part of the College of Arts, Sciences & Education, the Steven J.
Does not count as economics elective toward economics major. (F,S). Does not count as economics elective toward economics major.
Take courses that fulfill high school graduation requirements and are part of the University Core Curriculum (UCC) required for any first-time college student. HSC 3537 - Medical Terminology(Prerequisite: Human Anatomy and Physiology), IND 2022 - Introduction to Interior Architecture, INR 2001 - Introduction To International Relations, ITA 2200 - Intermediate Italian(Prerequisite: One year prior study or permission of the instructor), ITA 2240 - Italian Intermediate Conversation Prerequisite: One year prior study or permission of the instructor, JPN 2200 - Intermediate Japanese(Prerequisite: One year prior study or permission of the instructor), JPN 2201 - Intermediate Japanese II(Prerequisite: One year prior study or permission of the instructor), MAC 1114 - Trigonometry (Prerequisites:Mac1105), MMC 3123 - Writing Fundamentals For Communicators, POT 2002 - Introduction To Political Theory, REL 2011 - Religion: Analysis & Interpretation, REL 2080 - Introduction To The Holocaust & Genocide, SPC 1017 - Fundamentals Speech Communication, SPC 2511 - Fundamentals Of Argumentation And Debate, SPN 2200 - Intermediate Spanish (Prereq: Spn1131), SPN 2210 - Oral Communications Skills (Prereq: Spn1131), SPN 2233 - Intermediate Readings In Spanish (Prereq: Spn1131), SPN 2240 - Intermediate Spanish Conversation (Prereq:1131), SPN 2330 - Advanced Readings In Spanish (Prereq:Spn2233), SPN 2340 - Intermediate Spanish For Native Speakers, SPN 2341 - Accelerated Intermediate Spanish For Native Speakers (Prerequisite:Spn2340), VIC 3400 - Visual Design for Globalized Media, Office of Academic Planning & Accountability, Modesto A. Maidique Campus 11200 SW 8th Street, MARC 251 Miami, FL 33199 Office: 305-348-2800On-Campus: 305-348-2834, Biscayne Bay Campus 3000 NE 151 Street, AC1 180 North Miami, FL 33181 Tel: 305-919-5754 dualenro@fiu.edu, 2022 Florida International University | 0000063375 00000 n Don't just be a student - be a Panther! May be repeated for credit with permission of Department. 0000095655 00000 n 0000153750 00000 n (F,S,SS), Consumer behavior; advertising and other influences affecting demand. (S), Analysis of the methods, meaning and implications of economics in Latin America. Development of tools for policy analysis. 0000154510 00000 n Covers statistical methods as applied in economics. 0000155114 00000 n Current programs of human resource development and income maintenance are discussed. 0000063446 00000 n Problems of poverty, malnutrition, inequality, and development. Prerequisite: ECO 3101. Land-labor contracts. Supervised readings, individual tutorial, and preparation of reports. 0000155703 00000 n Discusses labor markets in both historical and institutional context emphasizing why certain patterns have occurred and contemporary institutions developed. We couldn't find any courses like that. 0000022304 00000 n Prerequisites: ECO 2013 and ECO 2023. The Asian Crisis. Covers cost-benefit analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, benefit-risk analysis, risk-risk analysis, and systems analysis as applied in the government sector for public investment decisions. Explore a wide range of courses including top-ranked online options. Analyzes government expenditure policy, principles of taxation, and the various taxes in use today. FIU News is updated daily by the Office of News & Communications. Present and proposed policies to alleviate poverty. (F,S,SS). The consumer protection movement. 0000004407 00000 n Department of EconomicsFlorida International University11200 SW 8th StreetMiami, Florida 33199. Topics: economic demography, trade flows, capital movements, diffusion of technology, the emergence of transnational institutions. Introduction to economic analysis of the overall economy: national income accounting, unemployment, inflation, monetary and fiscal policies, budget deficits and debt, long-run growth. Emphasis on the transition stage and on current policies of economic and social change. (F,S,SS), Analysis of the aggregate economy in the long-run (full employment, economic growth, productivity) and the short-run (unemployment, business cycles); economic policy for short-run stability and long-run growth (monetary and fiscal policies, budget deficit, inflation, and debt); balance of payments and exchange rate. 0000003363 00000 n Rural poverty and agricultural transformation.
Prerequisites: ECP 3203 and ECO 3101, or permission of the instructor. Analyzes the emergence and evolution of western views and doctrines in light of the interaction of market forces, technology, and key events. Analyzes the performance of women in comparison to men in the US labor market. HFT 3202 - Fund. A perspective from mercantilism to the post industrial contemporary world; international racial aspects of development, income distribution and wealth. (F). 0000002373 00000 n <<6189159FC8A7D841A2B17EC836475E4A>]/Prev 247339/XRefStm 2165>> (F,S), An introduction to contemporary computational methods and numerical analysis in economics and econometrics using a modern structured programming language. A broad overview of the international economy in historical perspective. Prerequisite: ECO 2013. Prerequisite: ECO 3101. Green School of International & Public Affairs, the College of Communication, Architecture + the Arts, the College of Engineering & Computing, the Chaplin School of Hospitality Management,Robert Stempel College of Public Health & Social Workand the College of Business. An introduction to the political economy of the South American countries, with emphasis on the opening of the region's economies, privatization and deregulation, debt crisis, foreign investment, poverty, income distribution, human resources, and regional trade agreements. 0000142482 00000 n Prerequisite: ECO 2023. 0000027712 00000 n trailer Prerequisite: ECO 3101. 0000142966 00000 n 0000011661 00000 n endstream endobj startxref Theory of personal income distribution. hb```b``Ab,_pDX!L5xFaI%Hf^Q&+)z4d]/$bopjTjA[:spunV. Prerequisites: Macro and Micro Principles or permission of the instructor. Analysis of the methods, meaning, and implications of economic integration in the Caribbean. Economic analysis of the asset markets and the effect of monetary policy; interest rates and intertemporal choice; asset pricing; efficient market hypothesis and economic behavior models in asset markets. 0000002165 00000 n 0000009089 00000 n Attention given to the New Left and other current criticisms of capitalist economies. 0000063700 00000 n (F). %%EOF List classes! Causes and consequences of international trade; effects of tariffs and quotas; strategic trade and industrial policies; political economy of protectionism; international economic integration; factor movements; and multinational firms. Structural and institutional determinants of economic development; economic analysis and policy formation. (F,S), Elements of monetary theory; relationships between money, prices, production, and employment; factors determining money supply; history and principles of banking, with special references to the United States. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. 0000009603 00000 n Become an integral part of a university focused on student learning, innovation and collaboration. The urban informal sector. (F), Study of current economic issues facing Latin American countries, including population growth, poverty, inequality, inflation, trade and balance of payment problems, economic reform, and regional integration. A complete list of classes offered at FIU by college, school, department or program can be found in theCourse Catalog. Developed by EWS | Division of Information Technology. Topics include information and advertising, product durability, technical change, antitrust and trade policies, and regulation.
Examines the evolution of Brazilian economy, focusing on the process of its industrialization in the 20th century, the policies to achieve it, its impact on the socioeconomic environment and the adjustments of institutions to the structural changes in the economy. Prerequisites: ECO 3101 or ECO 3203 (preferably both), and Calculus. 0000012800 00000 n hb```,(q@P`BXt[oXqmo B{>}:":804%`P~nvGZ[l5X^e`Y$@`Tl[ D%5 Mathematical formulation of economic theory. Prerequisites: ECO 3101 and ECO 3203 or permission of the instructor. 1281 67 endstream endobj 625 0 obj <. Impact on the United States and other developed and less developed nations. Start taking courses! 0000064247 00000 n Designed to enable the student to appreciate the trend toward regionalism and economic cooperation. 0000010598 00000 n Mathematical treatment of maximizing and optimizing behavior; applications to consumer and business firm theory, value, economic strategies, growth and stability. 0000122402 00000 n The relationship between Marxist and orthodox economists. (F), Evolution of economic theory and doctrine. Web/Accessibility, A complete list of classes offered at FIU by college, school, department or program can be found in the, Construction, Infrastructure & Sustainability, Steven J. To view Dual Enrollment Transfer Guarantees visit Florida State Board of Education. %PDF-1.7 % 0000009742 00000 n Satisfies requirement in computer literacy. Try searching again or using different filters to find what you're looking for. Topics include theories of economic development, economic growth, income distribution, rural-urban migration, industry and agriculture, unemployment, education, international trade, economic reform, and the environment. xref 0000156348 00000 n Economic analysis of problems managers of firms face, such as choosing production levels, deciding how much labor to hire, budgeting capital, and dealing with uncertainty. Explorations of why nations trade, effects of trade on distribution, commercial policy, balance of payments adjustment; exchange rate determination, Eurocurrency markets, and international institutions. Basic introduction to supply and demand for labor. 0000000016 00000 n Faculty and student discussion of contemporary economic and social issues. 0000004103 00000 n Population growth and development. 0000012829 00000 n Operation of markets; supply and demand analysis. Designed to enable the student to appreciate the trend toward regionalism and economic cooperation, Survey of the Cuban economy under capitalist and Marxist ideologies.
Prerequisites: ENC 1101 and ENC 1102. Website by Satisfies requirement in computer literacy. Prerequisites: Intermediate Microeconomics and Intermediate Macroeconomics or permission of the instructor. Study of a particular topic or a selected number of topics in economics theory not otherwise offered in the curriculum. 0000002568 00000 n Prerequisites: ECO 3203 or ECO 3202. %PDF-1.5 % 0000010827 00000 n hbbd``b`$V F7 :H7 6ma |ADU Ye 2%HZe`3@ ]4 Cannot be taken for credit concurrently with, or after taking ECO 3203. Prerequisites: Calculus and Intermediate Microeconomics or permission of instructor. 0000024790 00000 n EWS: Enterprise Web Services - Division of IT | Prerequisites: ECO 2013 and ECO 2023. Some of these course are rarely, if ever, offered. Website by ), CHI 2201 - Intermediate Chinese II (Prerequisite: CHI 2200 or permission of instructor), CHS 3501L - Survey Of Forensic Science Lab(Corequisite: CHS 3501), CLP 2001 - Personal Adjustment (Psychology), COP 1000 - Introduction To Computer Programming(May not be taken after COP 2201 or COP 2250), CPO 2002 - Introduction To Comparative Politics, EGN 2271 - Intro To Circuits And Electronic Hardware, EML 1533 - Introduction To Cad For Mechanical Engineers, ENC 1102 - Writing & Rhetoric Ii (Prereq:Enc1101), ENG 2012 - Approaches To Literature (Prereq:Enc1101/1102), ENT 1000 - Introduction To Entrepreneurship, EUH 2011 - Western Civilization: Early European Civilization, EUH 2021 - Western Civilization:Medieval To Mod Europe, EUH 2030 - Western Civilization:Europe In The Modern Era, EVR 1001 - IntroTo Environmental Sciences, EVR 1001L - Intro To Environmental Sciences Lab, FRE 2200 - Intermediate French(Prerequisite: One year prior study or permission of instructor), FRE 2241 - Intermediate French ConversationPrerequisite: One year prior study or permission of instructor), FSS 3230C - Introductory Commercial Food Production, GIS 2000 - Cartography & Mapping In Geography, GIS 2040 - Introduction to Applied Skills in GIS, HFT 1000 - Intro To Hospitality And Tourism Management, HFT 2220 - Human Resources For Hospitality, HFT 2441 - Hospitality Information Technology. Poverty in the United States: its measurement and history. 0000154717 00000 n 0000154907 00000 n (S), The growth of the American economy from colonial times to the present.
0000011053 00000 n
0000010112 00000 n
The East Asian Miracle. Website Feedback |
(F,S), Application of statistics and economic theory to formulating, estimating, and drawing inferences about relationships among economic variables.
Growth and development of multinational enterprise. Special attention devoted to current problems of economic growth and social transformation. 1281 0 obj
Meet with your school counselor (or parent/legal guardian if you are a home school student) to choose courses. %%EOF
Prerequisites: ECO 2013 and ECO 2023 or permission of the instructor. Prerequisite: ECO 3203. Prerequisites: ECO 3101, ECO 3203, and ECO 3410, or permission of the instructor. Green School of International & Public Affairs, College of Communication, Architecture + the Arts, Robert Stempel College of Public Health & Social Work. (F,S,SS), Analysis of markets, theory of firm, demand and production theories, general equilibrium, and welfare economics. Or explore FIU degree pathways by taking electives that match your interest or degree aspirations. Prerequisites: ECO 3101 or equivalent. Emphasis on institutional forces shaping the continuum of economic thinking. 1965-2022 Florida International University |
A course designed to give students a particular topic or a limited number of topics not otherwise offered in the curriculum. 0000013245 00000 n
Topics include estimation and hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, and single and multiple regression models. Rural-urban resource flows. Special emphasis on market forces, institutional arrangements, and policies contributing to this expansion. 0000020688 00000 n
(S). 0000011307 00000 n
The University Catalog is the primary source of information for all FIU students regarding the academic requirements of their degree program. FIU catalog is organized by academic year, degree of pursue undergraduate and graduate college, and department. Other sections of interest such as admissions, registration, tuition and financial aid can be found under the Admission and Registration Information section. 0000064078 00000 n
Economic principles applied to environmental problems. The growth of American business from 1880 to present; integration, diversification, and foreign expansion. Topics include: property rights and contracts, and economic analysis of legal decision making. 0000012210 00000 n
Neoclassical theory of labor demand and labor supply, human capital theory and critiques. 641 0 obj
<>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<071CA50E3B1B834FA174461A1B706773>]/Index[624 33]/Info 623 0 R/Length 86/Prev 147114/Root 625 0 R/Size 657/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream
Prerequisite: ECO 3101. 0000146982 00000 n
(S). 0000009426 00000 n
Prerequisites: ECO 2013 and ECO 2023. A student majoring in economics may spend one or two semesters fully employed in industry or government in a capacity relating to the major.
The role of ideas, infrastructure, R & D, and education play in economic growth. startxref Economic analysis of the problems of poverty, malnutrition and income inequality in South Asia. Course descriptions can be found by searching course number in the Course Catalog. Credit markets in agriculture. HFT 3074 - Personal Empowerment In The Hospitality Ind. Experience classes taught by highly experienced FIU professors. 0000011918 00000 n Take courses alongside a diverse community of students. Management In Hospitality, HFT 3941 - Internship In Hospitality Management. Prerequisites: ECO 3101, Calculus, and Statistics. Prerequisites: STA 2023 or equivalent. Prerequisites: ECO 2013 and ECO 2023 or equivalents. An introduction to the applied economics of the public sector and the microeconomics of public policy making and administration. Analysis of alternative economic systems. Prerequisite: ECO 2023 and (MAC 2311 or MAC 2233). 0000033534 00000 n (F,S), Aggregate economic performance and business conditions analysis, nature and causes of economic expansions and recessions, inflation, balance of trade, balance of payments, and exchange rate problems, fiscal and monetary policies, short-run instability and long-run growth.