A child who has reached the age of reason [7 years old] and is in their second year of Faith Formation is eligible to prepare for First Reconciliation. We are called, through prayer, fasting, and our acts of charity to taste and see the goodness of the Lord, as the psalmist tell us that we might be radiant with joy. As we ponder how to draw near to God, we cannot but think of the Gift of the Bread of Heaven.
But the Love of God is yesterday, today and forever. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to visit the Blessed Sacrament during our regular Adoration times: Tuesday 8:30am to Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. Yes, during the Lenten season and forever. "Investing in one place and not in another, in one productive sector and not in another, is always a moral and cultural choice," says the document.
Effective Palm Sunday, April 10, 2022, the obligation to participate in the Eucharist in person on Sundays and other holy days of obligation is restored. Then, by this reception we are sent forth to bring Christ into the world.
Call the parish office to make an hourly commitment.
Your help is needed to update our Parish Prayer List, Parish Prayer List - Updated October 11, 2021, Permission Form for 2021 Mims Christmas Parade Participation, Maronite Catholic officials denounce 12-hour detention of archbishop, Supporting women in choosing life is priority for diocesan pro-life leaders, Oregons Catholic Sentinel and El Centinela newspapers to shut down Oct. 1, Rachels Vineyard retreats offer post-abortion healing, French report warns lack of upkeep poses danger to historic churches, Vatican says Germanys synodal path has no power to change doctrine, Covenant between humanity, environment needed, pope says, Pope meets with Monaco royalty at Vatican, Vatican bans investments in porn, weapons, other products at odds with doctrine, Vatican investments must follow Catholic social teaching, new policy says. Register Today for Elementary, Middle School and High School Sunday faith formation classes! Humanity can no longer ignore the cries of the earth that is suffering due to greed and the excessive consumption of its resources, Pope Francis said. SIGN UP HERE! Homily for July 17 Jesus, Martha and Mary Homily for July 10 The Good Samaritan Homily for July 3 Brant Pitre, Jesus - Priesthood Homily for June 26 Jesus' Response to James & John Homily for June 19 We don't just receive Holy Comm Click on Father Andrew's picture to go to his YouTube channel for access to more of his homilies. God offers Himself to us that we know our greatest dignity is through, with and in Him. At the sight of you entering Gods house, we are filled with compassion at your return! Our longing is most wonderfully fulfilled through our participation in the Eucharistic Feast on Sunday. First Reconciliation preparation begins in October prior to the childs preparation for the Sacrament of Eucharist. Our sisters and brothers living in the Ukraine are courageous examples for us. Today, we find ourselves listening to headline news about war, human trafficking, and many other sins against God.
Parish Penance Services are also scheduled during these seasons; check the parish bulletin for times and dates. We are pleased to offer Confessions on the First Friday of the Month from 7:00 AM 7:00 PM. As we participate in the Eucharistic feast, we join in communion these sisters and brothers and so many others who are suffering. During the pandemic, God gently prompts us of our care for each other by refraining from gathering when ill or in the care of someone who is ill. Those who deliberately fail in this obligation commit a grave sin. A helpful pamphlet is available next to the confessional for penitents to make a meaningful Examination of Conscience. Simply place your finger over your mouth when you approach the altar. Catholics must be in a state of grace to receive communion. Brevard County Boy Scouts have shared their OVERFLOW of food with the Holy Spirit Pantry, and our volunteers need YOUR help! Prepare to receive the Eucharist by means of the sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession). The Lenten Season is a time to draw near to God.
Our priest is always available by appointment for anyone unable to attend the regularly scheduled confession times. Release Forms for faith formation are also available here. Pope Francis interrupted his traditional July break to meet with Prince Albert II of Monaco and his wife, Princess Charlene, at the Vatican. Help! For, each time we receive, we come to life again. Long-time parishioner, Pete J. Martino, passed away on Saturday, June 11, 2022, at age 99.
(He was born June 19, 1922, so missed his 100th birthday by 8 days.) The regularly scheduled devotions on Tuesday/Wednesday will not be affected -- Adoration, Rosary & Divine Mercy Chaplet. Contact Brenda in the parish office for the night-time security code, (321) 269-2282. The Church has always excused those who are sick or care for infants or the elderly from this obligation. (321) 269-2282. Let us celebrate the new things to come. The Vatican released a new policy consolidating the investment portfolios of all offices and keeping all current and future investments in line with the social doctrine of the Catholic Church. During this Lenten Season, we are invited time and time again to celebrate our relationship with God. We ache with longing to return to the Lord, both individually and as a community. You are invited to spend time in prayer with the Lord present in the Eucharist during Adoration. It's been several months since our Parish Prayer List was updated. COMPLETE FORMS, Copyright 2022 Church of the Holy Spirit.
(321) 269-2282. In our conversations about how we can do that more fervently, the question of lifting the dispensation of the obligation to participate in the celebration of Mass on Sundays and other holy days of obligation established for the safety of people during the pandemic has been discussed. Contact the Church Office to schedule a time. Church guidelines tell us that parents are the primary educators of their child, and, as such, are expected to actively participate in the preparation of their child at home.
Pete is survived by his wife, Anne Can you help? Christians of other faith denominations are welcome and encouraged to receive a priestly blessing. Even knowing the possibility of their death as they bear the fruit of their religious faith, they participate in the celebration of Mass because they understand their only source of life is through God. Saint Paul tells us that our ministry is to imitate Christ; to bring forth Jesus total self-giving love for all Gods people. Hourly adoration commitments are coordinated by Faye Smith.
In our time since the pandemic, we have experienced many changes in our world. For we know that participation in the communal celebration of the Sunday Eucharist is a testimony of belonging and being faithful to Christ and to His Church (CCC 2182).
Requirements includes: proof of Catholic baptism; regular attendance at the parish Faith Formation classes or a Catholic school for two years; attendance at a mandatory information meeting for parent and child where the parent will receive materials for home use; participation in a special retreat day for parent and child; a readiness interview for each child.
Grace and Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you this Lenten Season.
Six HUGE containers of bagged food needs to be unboxed, "use by" dates Daily Masses will be replaced by Communion Services next week, June 27-July1 . Faye Smith coordinates Adoration schedule. Welcome to Mims, Florida, the friendly town! You're invited to spend time in prayer with the Lord during Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Some names have been on the List for years, but I have no way of knowing which people have recovered or died or Mass Concludes with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Please sign in as Committed, Substitute or Visitor. Confessions are heard from 6pm to 6:50pm on Wednesday and 3:00pm to 3:50pm on Saturday. It is time to offer ourselves selflessly and return to the Father, to celebrate with a feast. Before Easter and Christmas, additional individual times are scheduled.
Please be sure to check the parish website or call for Mass times. We're blessed with an abundance of food! Bishop John Noonan. The Sacrament of Reconciliation or Confessionis available every Wednesdayat 4:00 PM 6:00 PM,and Fridayat 4:00 PM 6:00 PMin the Church.
By participating in the Eucharistic feast, we become what we receive. Reminder: Kathleen Cote passed away on May 25, 2022, but her Funeral Mass is THIS morning at 11am in the chapel. Contact the Faith Formation Office for more information and visit the following pages:Faith Formation Handbookand theFirst Reconciliation Schedule. Holy Spirit Catholic Church 2399 Holder Road Mims, Florida 32754, Contact Update for Registered Parishioners.
Confessions are Saturday afternoonsfrom 3pmto 3:50pm and Wednesdayevenings from6pm to 6:50pm.