I sourced my consumables (polish, wool pads, fleece wraps and microfiber towels) from Tom Numelin at Perfect Polish. Once youve finished Cyclo with S, we next need to clean any remaining polish residue from rivet heads, butt joints etc. { Eric Stewart is designing and building the SR-1, a speed plane for setting records in the FAI c-1a/0 category (takeoff weight less than 661 pounds, including pilot and fuel). padding: 15px 15px; font-family:Open Sans; { }, .wpsm_tab_13393 .wpsm_nav-tabs li a, I have had a cyclo orbiter for over 20 years until I broke it by overtightening and freezing a bolt. text-align: center; You are now ready to Cyclo with Sthis is the fun part! I bought this polisher because I have used the Cyclo since 1996.I bought a new one because the old one was tired. } A low table (1824 inches) is ideal for empennage and control surface polishing. Begin with a 20-pack for a small plane, 30 for a larger plane (more if you dont plan to wash and re-use). For polishing, versatility, and value, the Cyclo Polisher is in a class by itself. We fully respect if you want to refuse cookies but to avoid asking you again and again kindly allow us to store a cookie for that. display:inline; .wpsm_tab_13394 .wpsm_nav-tabs li{ With the introduction of the new Cyclo VES, the amount of vibration is reduced even further and nearly eliminated. Numelin includes clamps with his fleeces, but I personally find it easier to just tie an overhand knot with the loose corners. } @media screen and (max-width: 480px){ We recommend using a fleece/flannel polishing cloth to remove swirl (strike marks) and to achieve that ChampionClass clarity of image resolution. color: #948e8e; margin:0; His web site (www.perfectpolish.com) contains a wealth of information, and he includes an excellent guide to aircraft polishing with his shipments.
} Keep one pad for each grade of polishdont mix pads. Youll padding:0; line-height: 1.6; The insert with 2 notches is for use with Head or Rubber Pad Holder configured tools. It is so well balance and gentle but very effective. color:#565656; .wpsm_tab_13393 .wpsm_nav-tabs li a:hover i{ font-size: 24px; Select the proper VES weighted inserts for the intended attachment system configuration and eliminate nearly all vibration. The design and materials used in the blue Cyclo are the same as all the previous generations, just covered in a durable baked-on powder coat. .wpsm_tab_13394 .wpsm_nav-tabs li.active a i, All rights reserved worldwide. You can usually find like-new units on eBay for half the price of retail. Fax: +44 (0)20 8597 8673, Copyright - Frasers Aerospace 2021 - Aircraft Cleaning -. .wpsm_tab_13394 .wpsm_nav-tabs{ That unique combination of motion, speed, and just the right weight makes it perfect for deoxidizing, buffing, and glazing paint and metals to a mirror finish. I have two of these polishers and I would not use anything else to Detail vehicles.. display: block; @media only screen and (max-width: 600px) { Please note that while this machine comes with 4 ProGuard Orbital Backing Plates, polishing pads must be purchased separately and are NOT included with the polisher. color: #565656; Its the fool-proof polisher! Louisville, CO 80027, Sales & Customer Service: .wpsm_tab_13393 .wpsm_nav-tabs li a:hover, #wpsm_tab_container_13392 a:hover{ .wpsm_tab_13392 .wpsm_nav-tabs li a:hover, Make sure the pad is rotating away from any sharp or loose edges. In March of 2015, Cyclo Toolmakers was acquired by RUPES SpA, a leading innovator of sanding and polishing equipment from Italy. This site uses cookies. .wpsm_tab_13394 a:focus{ .wpsm_tab_13392 .wpsm_nav-tabs li{ @media screen and (max-width: 480px){ border-left: 5px solid #000000; Begin by dabbing a four-foot grid of M&M-size blobs of polish every six inches or so and compounding with F7 or G6 (I havent noticed a significant difference in the two, other than that F7 seems to hold its bite a bit longer). If you purchase a Makita or a unit with similar backing plate, Id strongly recommend switching these out for stronger aftermarket plates [see photo on page 25]). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. simulate hand polishing but at a much faster rate. does not contaminate the subsequent finer grade. } width:15px; } text-align:left; box-shadow:none;
Each cloth is 80 x 100 cm. Low rpm helps manage heat buildup as well. The compounder requires a 7.5-inch wool compounding pad (and a pad cleaning spur). VES technology standard on all Cyclo Polishers. Cyclo with S really brings out the depth and clarity of the mirror finish. #wpsm_tab_container_13393 ul{
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16 oz. padding-right:8px;*/
Shoot rivet lines and seams with an air compressor nozzle to make sure no corn starch remains behind in the nooks and crannies, as this can absorb moisture and cause corrosion. color: #ffffff !important;
color: #565656;
This is what we discovered: The Vibration Elimination System (VES) is available exclusively on Cyclo Dual Head Orbital Polishers. Polisher is the only polisher with two orbiting polishing heads! display: block;
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Mount low enough to allow you to put your weight behind the compounder. }
care. Polish is dabbed on at four- to six-inch intervals. border:none;
company received approval from the US government to polish the militarys Autogeek Show Car Garage Mike Phillips' Principles of Machine Polishing DVD, Cyclo 4 Inch Premium Foam Pads & Pad Holders, Cyclo 4 inch Light Cutting Wool Pads (Pair), Cyclo ProGuard Orbital Backing Plates 2 Pack, Snappy Clean Pad Cleaning Powder (3 Pack). The consensus is that the best cloth for polishing aluminium is cotton fleece. Then the tail of the fabric is then rolled up and wrapped around the motor housing to the front handle. light cutting pad on the head you are going to lead with, and a polishing pad on .wpsm_tab_13392 a:hover,
Spectrum Alberta 2018-2022. #wpsm_tab_container_13394 ul{
While the Cyclo Dual Head Orbital Polisher is legendary for its polishing capabilities, it also provides the user with versatility. No matter what angle you look at the paint, you will not see the Be sure to move the Cyclo to a new position on the fleece once the pad becomes caked (usually after each four-square-foot sweep). Thank you again for your patience! }
(Note: Ive not had good luck with the Makita backing plates, which tend to break at the neck after a few hours of use. This drastic reduction in vibration lessens muscle and joint fatigue for the operator. margin: 0;
Learn how your comment data is processed. border:none;
In the past, the VES weights were a variety of colors (blue, silver, yellow) to exemplify the differences between the three. marketing@rupesusa.com. background: #ffffff;
font-family:Open Sans;
Featuring Cyclos exclusive Vibration Elimination System! Polishing Cloth are washable and provide added value toyour overall program. We use cookies to let us know when you visit our websites, how you interact with us, to enrich your user experience, and to customize your relationship with our website. Car dealerships, automobile detailers, car washes, and fleet users all rely on the Cyclo machine to keep their vehicles looking like new. box-shadow:none;
single-head polisher. }
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Its movement is almost identical to hand polishing, only much quicker. color: #ffffff !important;
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By continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. The final step is to sprinkle corn starch over the aluminum. #wpsm_tab_container_13393 a:hover{
Wipe clean with a microfiber towel, and voila, youre finished! Polishing cloths are madefrom 13 ounce 100% cotton presents easy handling/wrapping for the Cyclo double head &/or various single headrandom orbital polishers Begin using the polishing cloth by: Nuvite polish ratings are shown in Table 1. #wpsm_tab_container_13392 .wpsm_nav li .wpsm_tabs_img_icon,
Dual head random orbit polisher: Dont mess around, cry once and get the Cyclo Model 5. .wpsm_tab_13394 .wpsm_nav-tabs li a{
agree that two heads are better than one! font-size: 12px;
Each Cyclo Polisher is expertly machined, manually polished or powder-coated, and hand-fitted to ensure durability and longevity. }
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Its important to remember to repeat this step between each grade of polish so that a courser grade of polish (left behind in rivet heads, butt seams, etc.) A polished plane will try your patience. color: #ffffff !important;
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The Cyclo Polishers legend began in 1953 when the tool was approved for use by the government to polish its military aircraft and missiles. As with F7, follow up C compounding with C Cyclo to remove the compound swirls, and clean up with microfiber and spirits. border-bottom:0px;
.wpsm_tab_13393 .wpsm_tab_content h3{
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In fact, there are many 50-year-old Cyclo Polishers still in use around the world. color: #948e8e;
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Cyclo is all about. Torquenot rpmmoves the metal. .wpsm_tab_13394 .wpsm_nav-tabs li a:focus{
Nevertheless, as a starting point, the following is what Ive found to get me fastest from mill finish to mirror finish (note that this schedule is for Alclad aluminum; non-alclad skins like 6061 may require a more aggressive schedule): Before starting with F7 or F9, thoroughly clean the surface to be polished with mineral spirits and a microfiber cloth.
} Both heads move in an orbital motion, counter-clockwise. Give the aluminum a good rubdown with your bare hands, working the corn starch vigorously into rivet heads and seams. border: none; } margin-top:20px;
} Catching an edge will bend up metal in the blink of an eye. outline: none; Click to enable/disable _gid - Google Analytics Cookie. The Cyclo Polisher stands on two heads so it is self-balancing. } This technique allows you to refine the paint as you remove Mark the back of your pads with their polish type. Again, experiment and see what works best for you. color:#565656; border: none; font-family:Open Sans; Under the new ownership and operating as RUPES USA, the new company has made several changes to the Cyclo, and there are more on the horizon. position: relative; } The insert with 1 notch is for use with scrub brushes. Nuvite keeps well if the lid is properly screwed on, so if someone offers you an old jar, give it a shot (just be sure to stir well first, as the polish can separate out from the carrier). It is by far the best polisher on the market. .wpsm_tab_13394 .wpsm_nav-tabs li{ width:100% !important; } { When dirty, cloths can be washed, dried and re-used many times. border: none; the other head. Cyclo of the section to the far left has been completed and is visibly more mirror-like. We provide you with a list of stored cookies on your computer in our domain so you can check what we stored. font-family:Open Sans; } Welcome to our new website! Changes will take effect once you reload the page. Its much easier to polish individual surfaces before assembly (especially the underside). During those years, the machine earned its reputation for durability and dependability as it was used on fleet after fleet of large airplanes. } imperfections. .wpsm_tab_13392 .wpsm_nav-tabs li a:hover i{ margin:0 8px 0 0; font-weight:300; Likewise, avoid drill-mounted buffers, except for areas that are too small or delicate for the compounders listed above. The thing is heavy, hard to hold onto and you can burn through the paint in an instant. float:none; -webkit-box-shadow:none; The following cookies are also needed - You can choose if you want to allow them: Click Here to Visit the Cyclo Parts Support Page. Note: I do not recommend waiting until the airplane is fully assembled to begin polishing. font-weight:300; }
Each cloth is pre-cut with slots to allow multiple position use with thebuffers. .wpsm_tab_13393 .wpsm_nav-tabs li{ width:100% !important; } float: none !important; For polishing, versatility, and value, the Cyclo Polisher is in a class by itself. } Rather than send it in for repair I treated myself to a new model 5. .wpsm_tab_13392 .wpsm_nav-tabs li a i{ background-image: none !important; .wpsm_tab_13394 .wpsm_tab_content{ margin-bottom: 30px; background: #000000 !important; -webkit-box-shadow:none; Attach one of its many grades of brushes and this incredible machine can scrub a variety of surfaces, from delicate leather upholstery to spray in truck bed liners. Going over a scratch or background: #000000 !important; That same year, the .wpsm_tab_13394 .wpsm_nav-tabs li a, Your email address will not be published. { border-left: 5px solid #000000;
If you do not want that we track your visit to our site you can disable tracking in your browser here: We also use different external services like Google Webfonts, Google Maps, and external Video providers. Nuvite polish: The various grades are explained in Table 1. .wpsm_tab_13394 .wpsm_nav-tabs li{ color: #565656; font-size: 8px; Wing ready for polishing. 1 gallon mineral spirits: Lacquer thinner works fine.
} } The Cyclo Polisher is the only padding: 0px 15px; border: none;
color: #000000; text-decoration: none; former blemish. font-size: 8px; Fleeces arent cheap, so I wash and reuse them once again for F7 buffing, and then dispose of them. Rather, simply wrap a new fleece wrap on the Cyclo and give the aluminum a final clean buffyou may be surprised how much oxide you can still pick up, even without any polish. You can see more at facebook.com/TheSR1Project, including additional photos and videos of the subjects in this series of articles. margin:0; Click to enable/disable essential site cookies. background: #ffffff; Everyone else will see a mirror. This article will describe polishing using Nuvite brand polishes. } Taking a corner and pulling it up over D handle on top of Cycle. .wpsm_tab_13394 .wpsm_nav-tabs li a:hover i{ #wpsm_tab_container_13393 .wpsm_tab_13393 .wpsm_nav-tabs li a margin-top:20px; Nuvite polish grades and application. However, as the innovative VES counterbalance system of the Cyclo is a big part of why it boasts such low vibration performance, over time the colored finish wears away and fades. .wpsm_tab_13392 .wpsm_tab_content h3{ In fact, there are many 50-year-old Cyclo Polishers still in use around the world. float: left; #wpsm_tab_container_13393 a, { #wpsm_tab_container_13392 a,
width: 100%; text-align: center; } As you begin compounding, the surface will turn black as the polish heals the metal and picks up oxidation. -webkit-box-shadow:none; background: transparent; Polished plane owners are necessarily an odd admixture of the vain and the masochistic. With a resume like that, we just had to see what the @media only screen and (max-width: 600px) { margin-bottom: 30px; The actual weight of the pieces is unchanged. float: left; text-align:left; Unlike the previous steps however, you dont want to use mineral spirits here since that would strip the protectant left behind by the S polish. In addition, this extraordinary tool is serviceable. .wpsm_tab_13394 .wpsm_nav-tabs li a img background: transparent; } Rotary polishing machines and buffing wheels create holograms and buff trails because they use a unidirectional, patterned movement. Due to security reasons we are not able to show or modify cookies from other domains. Fleece wraps: These wrap around the Cyclo pads. padding:0; border-left-color: #000000; That unique combination of motion, speed, and just the right weight makes it perfect for deoxidizing, buffing, and glazing paint and metals to a mirror finish. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Youll quickly learn just how much polish to dab ontoo much results in a black smeary mess, too little is ineffective. height:auto; This versatile machine is also excellent for cleaning carpet, } I reserve new fleeces for buffing with S and final buffing. } We may request cookies to be set on your device.
} We will meet or beat anyone's pricing, shipping or promo! So, expect control surfaces to take a bit longer. All Rights Reserved. .wpsm_tab_13394 .wpsm_tab_content h3{ The Cyclo Polisher is still used today to polish the Bring in the side corners to handle. Dismiss. (Heal and reform are the words used by polishers to refer to modifying the surface of the aluminum in such a way as to achieve a mirror finish; the base metal is not removed, but rather undergoes a plastic reformation.). box corn starch: one box for small plane, two for a larger plane. (Or vain and rich, if they can pay someone else to do the dirty work.). border: 0px solid #ddd; .wpsm_tab_13393 .wpsm_nav-tabs li a i, font-size: 12px; text-align: center; The Cyclo Orbital Today, the Cyclo Dual Head Orbital Polisher delivers a superior polish on mainstream products such as automobiles, boats, and even Airstreams and RVs. Car dealerships, automobile detailers, car washes, and fleet users all rely on the Cyclo machine to keep their vehicles looking like new. Click to enable/disable Google Analytics tracking. This goes double for lower surfaces (bottom of the wing, fuse, and tail). color:#565656; border-radius: 0; vertical-align:middle; padding: 0px 15px; .wpsm_tab_13393 .wpsm_nav-tabs li{ Mon-Thurs: 08:30 16:30 Every part of a Cyclo Polisher can be replaced, ensuring that it will continue to perform at its highest level for years, even decades, after purchase. } } line-height:1.6; color: #948e8e !important; tub of TSP (trisodium phosphate): Compounder pad cleaner. padding:0; width:15px; Id suggest starting on the (right-side up) underside of the horizontal tail to perfect your technique before moving to more visible surfaces. And to keep it mirror-finish, youll need to repolish at least once, if not twice, a year, depending on the weather its exposed to (although repolishing only takes a few hours, assuming you did a good job on the initial polish).
The patented Scrub carpets, floors, rubber, or virtually any surface in need of deep cleaning. When clean cloth is needed it can bebrought under the polishing heads by re position the cloth. Keep the speed low: 600 rpm for the initial pass spreads the polish out nicely without flinging it to far corners of the workshop, then 9001200 rpm as you work out the polish. font-size: 12px; .wpsm_tab_13393 .wpsm_nav-tabs li a{ border: 0px solid #ddd; Pre-cut for use with Cyclo Polisher or AeroBuff machines. The Cyclo itself does little to heal the metal, so make sure the metal is in the condition you want it before moving to the Cyclo. overflow: hidden; If you do wash your fleeces, do it at an industrial laundromat, unless you want to go shopping for a new washer. } dual-head polisher on the market. .wpsm_tab_13393 .wpsm_nav-tabs li a img Note that blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience on our websites and the services we are able to offer.
text-align:center; Keeping your tools and consumables sanitary will avoid needless scratches. Thefleece side goes against the aluminium and applies the polish to the aluminium surface. Wrap the fleece around the Cyclo as tightly as possiblea loose fleece doesnt buff nearly as quickly as a nice, tight fleece. Polisher has been polishing planes, automobiles, and RVs since 1953, when Numelins customer service is top notch and his prices were the best I found (and free shipping!). The low end assumes you are a good scrounger and are able to find a used Cyclo and some unused polish on eBay or from another builder. background: transparent; } United Kingdom, Tel: +44 (0)20 8597 8781 Our brains and eyes are well-suited to picking up on these patterns, and so dual-action (random orbit) polishing is the most effective way to eliminate these visual artifacts and ensure a perfect mirror finish. text-decoration: none; As Numelin writes in his polishing guide, Sunlight is the ultimate critic. Get used to ittheres nothing you can do about it, and you are the only one who will notice. With all these benefits, we had to bring the Cyclo Polisher on board. margin:0 8px 0 0; This change added another layer of corrosion resistance and protection for the housing while eliminating the creation of metal polishing byproducts that were not environmentally friendly. vertical-align:middle; padding:0; The dual motion of the padding: 0px 15px; float:none; Attach one of its many grades of brushes and this incredible machine can scrub a variety of surfaces, from delicate leather upholstery to spray in truck bed liners. #wpsm_tab_container_13394{ #wpsm_tab_container_13392 .wpsm_nav li .wpsm-icons{ heads is great for extracting stains from deep carpet or scrubbing filthy tile. border-bottom:0px; margin:0 8px 0 0; If you refuse cookies we will remove all set cookies in our domain. Spectrum Professional Series Extra Fine Metal Polishing Cream (250mL), Vibration Elimination System (VES) weighted inserts, Die-cast, precision machined 380 aluminum alloy case, Sealed, steel ball bearings and needle bearings, Easily serviceable long-life carbon brushes, Sturdy high-torque motor with integral metal cooling fan, Twin 3,000 orbits-per-minute (OPM) hand-action heads (single-speed). .wpsm_tab_13394 .wpsm_nav-tabs li a:hover{ } width: 100%; Hence the term 95/5 polishing cloth represents 95% cotton and 5% backing. Note also that thinner sheet aluminum (.016, .020) doesnt polish up as easily or quickly as heavier gauges (.032, .040), since it flexes more under the pressure of the pad, counteracting the reforming process. I had some questions on the new blue head velcro attachment and my questions were addressed and answered immediately. Get one pad for each grade of polish you plan to compound with. flawless polish. The cloth stays in place while you polish. Essex CM14 4LH Basically this cloth is similar to the cotton cloth used in an expensive ski sweatshirt. line-height:1.6; While we work towards a solution, please try making your order from another device or message us with what you need and we will work to create an order for you manually. } The Cyclo Polishers legend began in 1953 when the tool was approved for use by the government to polish its military aircraft and missiles. .wpsm_tab_13392 .wpsm_nav-tabs{ @media only screen and (max-width: 600px) { The Cyclo Polisher isnt just for vehicle Dual orbiting heads rotate in an overlapping circular motion to completely eliminate buff trails in combination with especially fine metal polishing creams. padding-right:8px;*/ /*padding-left:8px; As a side benefit, itll save you a few dollars (and a few pounds) on paint. border-radius: 0; Before polishing your plane, youll need to assemble the following items: Variable-speed compound rotary polisher & pads: Also known as a compunder, both the Dewalt DWP849X and Makita 9227CX3 are good units and get great reviews. outline: none; .wpsm_tab_13394 .wpsm_tab_content .tab-pane p{ While other brands are available, Nuvite polishes are the most popular among aircraft owners. .wpsm_tab_13394 .wpsm_nav-tabs li.active a, } The Cyclo Orbital @media screen and (max-width: 480px){ Get electric, not pneumatic; otherwise your compressor will be running constantly. border: none; #wpsm_tab_container_13392 ul{ } .wpsm_tab_13394 .wpsm_nav-tabs li a i{ Kitplanes.com and the Kitplanes logo are protected properties under international copyright law. font-size: 24px; font-family:Open Sans; border-left: 5px solid #000000; line-height: 1.6; border:none; /*design 17*/ Because these cookies are strictly necessary to deliver the website, refusing them will have impact how our site functions. /*padding-left:8px; font-family:Open Sans; Keep your compounder speed low900-1200 rpm. } Shiny planes magically attract much more dust, bugs, and fingerprints than a painted plane. Every part of a Cyclo Polisher can be replaced, ensuring that it will continue to perform at its highest level for years, even decades, after purchase. float: left; Its expensive, but worth it. Since these providers may collect personal data like your IP address we allow you to block them here. upholstery, and grout using the available carpet brushes. .wpsm_tab_13392 .wpsm_nav-tabs li a img Once youve removed the F7 swirls, clean the polished area with microfiber and mineral spirits, and move to the next grade. 16 oz. [OPTIONAL] 2-3 passes F9 with the compounder (if starting with corroded or scratched aluminum; F9 Cyclo unnecessary if following with F7), 23 passes F7 with the Cyclo (discolored or hazy areas may require additional Cyclo passes), [OPTIONAL: 23 passes C with the compounder]. /*design 17*/ the polisher flat on the paint; its own weight is enough to provide an even, Its solid metal construction, machined fittings, precisely crafted gears, and hand assembly make the Cyclo machine the worlds finest orbital polisher. }, We are located at: I would highly recommend it to any "auto-geek.". font-size: 15px; Each pack contains 10 wraps. -webkit-box-shadow:none; margin-top:20px; border-radius: 0; .wpsm_tab_13392 .wpsm_nav-tabs li{ Polished airplanes are few, and theres a good reason for that: it takes a lot of elbow grease to bring a mill finish or corroded skin to a mirror finish, and once there, it takes even more elbow grease to keep it that way. Check to enable permanent hiding of message bar and refuse all cookies if you do not opt in. You dont have to pay constant attention tokeeping the cloth properly positioned under the heads of the polisher. background: #000000 !important;