Copyright 2001 - 2022 Syncfusion Inc. All Rights Reserved. User interface elements will not receive mouse-based events when the elementsVisibility property is Collapsed orHidden (rather thanVisible). Thats what I take from following the conversations in the issues. Is anyone on the WPF team assigned to this?
The above snippet can be expanded to have the tests for reaching the outer edges built in also. If you are moving from Windows Forms to WPF, you may expect to find the Button property of the MouseEventArgs. A helper class is just a term to refer to a class that provides methods that "help" do something. The same code ruining on .NET Framework works fine. :). Expected behavior:
When the mouse enters inside the rectangle, the color of the rectangle will automatically change. Did not test it also for Skew, only for these 2): private void Grid_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { this.current.IsDragging = e.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed; if (this.current.IsDragging && current.InputElement != null) { var newX = Mouse.GetPosition((IInputElement)sender).X; var newY = Mouse.GetPosition((IInputElement)sender).Y; var rt = ((UIElement)this.current.InputElement).RenderTransform; string whichIsFirst = string.Empty; if (rt is TransformGroup) { TranslateTransform tt = null; RotateTransform rr = null; foreach (Transform tsf in (rt as TransformGroup).Children) switch (tsf) { case TranslateTransform t1: tt = t1; if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(whichIsFirst)) whichIsFirst = "TranslateTransform"; break; case RotateTransform r1: rr = r1; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(whichIsFirst)) whichIsFirst = "RotateTransform"; break; default: break; } if (whichIsFirst.Equals("TranslateTransform")) { rr.SetValue(RotateTransform.CenterXProperty, rr.CenterX + newX - current.X); rr.SetValue(RotateTransform.CenterYProperty, rr.CenterY + newY - current.Y); } tt.SetValue(TranslateTransform.XProperty, tt.X + newX - current.X); tt.SetValue(TranslateTransform.YProperty, tt.Y + newY - current.Y); } else { rt.SetValue(TranslateTransform.XProperty, rt.Value.OffsetX + newX - current.X); rt.SetValue(TranslateTransform.YProperty, rt.Value.OffsetY + newY - current.Y); } current.X = newX; current.Y = newY; } }.
Then add a new class. This page will automatically be redirected to the sign-in page in 10 seconds. As @weltkante says, in #707, there is a discussion about possible causes, typically applications with overlays. (direction!=direction.Vertical)container.Left=Math.Max(0,e.X+container.Left-DragStart.X); (direction!=direction.Horizontal)container.Top=Math.Max(0,e.Y+container.Top-DragStart.Y); .groupBox2,MoveControls.helperClassforCotrolMover.Direction.Any); .groupBox2,MoveControls.helperClassforCotrolMover.Direction.Horizontal); .groupBox2,MoveControls.helperClassforCotrolMover.Direction.Vertical); How to Migrate (P2V) Physical to a Virtual Data Center - Convergence VMware Virtualization Concepts, Onion Architecture In ASP.NET Core 6 Web API, Getting Started With Angular Electron Application Development, JWT Token Authentication In Angular 14 And .NET Core 6 Web API, Why SharePoint Framework (SPFx) Is Best for SharePoint Development, Basic Authentication For Azure Functions (Open API) .Net 6. */, How to change size of WPF controls at runtime, How to change the Z order of WPF controls at runtime, How to move WPF controls with mouse at runtime. Lets create a new WPF project with the name WPFMouseInput. property is used to set the desired location for the, need to get the Mouse Position Coordinates of the control.
It uses the System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs class in place of the Windows Forms version and it has a ChangedButton property, not a Button property. In, /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * ** * * * * * * * * *, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */, ="", ="", * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */, //see the Element class declaration at the bottom, using it for readablity. By default the Left and Top attached properties are in fact set to Double.NaN - Not A Number. often such problems come from bad third party software. // if mouse is down when its moving, then it's dragging currentif (e.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed ||e.RightButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed ||e.MiddleButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed) this.current.IsDragging = true;With this, buttons can be moved with the right or middle mouse button. WPF is (again) slightly different. Did your error occur in .Net 3.0 or .Net 3.1 platform? Unfortunately, activation email could not send to your email. // Retrieve the current position of the mouse. For example, if we have aTextBox inside aStackPanel that is inside aWindow and we move the mouse around within theTextBox, well see the following events fired: Filed under Events In this article, we will learn how to move controls with the mouse on form at runtime in C# windows applications. privacy statement. MoveControls.helperClassforCotrolMover.Init(, publicstaticvoidInit(Controlcontrol,directiondirection){, publicstaticvoidInit(Controlcontrol,Controlcontainer,directiondirection){. Tagged with Graphics, MouseMove, Radial Gradient, RadialGradientBrush, WPG, #682 Panel Elements Only Fire Mouse Events When Background IsSet, #681 No Mouse Events When Visibility is Hidden, Collapsed orHidden, #230 Changing a Radial Gradient as Mouse Moves Over aControl, #1,219 Expanding All Nodes in a TreeView byDefault, #1,218 Stretching Items in TreeView across EntireControl, #1,217 Using Multiple HierarchicalDataTemplates in aTreeView, #1,216 Creating a Custom ItemTemplate in aTreeView, #1,215 Binding a TreeView to a Hierarchical DataSource, #845 - Display Ellipsis in TextBlock to Indicate that Content Doesn't Fit, #854 - Clicked vs. Checked/Unchecked Events for CheckBox, #210 - Specifying Colors in XAML As RGB Values, #351 - Binding a CheckBox's IsChecked Property to a Boolean Variable, #1,219 - Expanding All Nodes in a TreeView by Default, #1,107 - Accessing an Embedded Resource Using a Uri, #360 - Binding a ToggleButton's IsChecked Property to a Boolean Variable, #906 - Programmatically Changing the Current Tab on a TabControl. For all we know Nahamic might not be the only utility that does this. The radial gradient is defined in the XAML: We also need to disable the default rendering of the button while the mouse is over it. I wanted to be able to drag or move controls around at runtime (using TranslateTransform) - by clicking the mouse on the desired control and moving it to a new location on the parent screen/control. Yes, I did see that. Perhaps you want to build in a feature where the left mouse button causes the Image to move left and the right mouse button to move it down. This seems straightforward enough, doesn't it? If you were to run this project, you would expect that the Image would jump 10 units to the right when the mouse is clicked on it. Unfortunately customers don't care who caused the issue when your application breaks though, and I have no way of reaching the people behind this utility. The variable named LeftPos reads the value that is currently stored as the attached Canvas.Left property of the Image, then it increments that value by 10. The BalloonTipLocation property is used to set the desired location for the NotifyIcon to be displayed. This looks suspiciously like the other rendering issues caused by faulty third party software injecting itself into the .NET Core process because they haven't been updated to detect .NET Core properly (#707 has the main discussion I believe). Oh I see yes I must have missed that in my haste. Can you try disabling this service? The next obvious step would be to turn this into an attached behaviour that you can add to each object you put onto your canvas. XAML is brilliant for creating user interfaces at design time, but if you need to make changes dynamically at runtime, this can sometimes be a problem. Already on GitHub? 2 Comments. You are using an outdated version of Internet Explorer that may not display all features of this and other websites. By using this website, you agree with our Cookies Policy. But if you try this code, you will find that nothing happens when the Image is clicked. We make use of cookies to improve our user experience. So the first step is to create a Canvas in a WPF Window, place the Image inside the Canvas and assign a value to the Source property of the Image: xmlns="", xmlns:x="", Title="Image In A Canvas" Height="300" Width="300">,
Giving the user the ability to design their application is not difficult. To set the NotifyIcon at the MousePoint, you need to get the Mouse Position Coordinates of the control by using the Mouse.GetPosition () method and then set the Coordinates at the BalloonTipLocation property of the NotifyIcon. The WPF Image doesn't support the Click event, but MouseDown is available for the same purpose. Could you give me the specific link to reproduce your error.
You would then use code along the lines of: If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left Then.,,,, .NET Core Version: 5.0.200-preview.20601.7), Does the bug reproduce also in WPF for .NET Framework 4.8? Not only does it mean that the expected movement of the Image doesn't happen, but it will actually cause your application to crash if you try and reset the value in code to move the Image back to the start position (which we will do later). The helper class has a direction enumerator which makes things really easy. I stopped the Nahimic Service, and suddenly WPF acted just fine. The ultimate WPF UI toolkit to boost your development speed. how to move a control on mousemove in runtime? I have tested your code and have the same behavior I have described (controls disappear). Where did you download the Net Core 5.0.200-preview.20601.7? 2022 C# Corner. You also have to deal with losing the mouse outside of the window and capture loss. As the user moves the mouse, the event fires for the control that the mouse is over. Asking clients to disable Windows services is not a long term solution. When you click inside the rectangle, it will change color and show the coordinates at which mouse has been clicked. This is true for splitters and stuff. This code uses anonymous delegates to do the hard work. Learn how your comment data is processed. There are a few detailed articles on this you can read over at CodeProject (see here and here for example). So the next step is to wire up an event handler for this: We can then have the Image move a few units to the right each time it receives a mouse click. // Reset the location of the object (add to sender's renderTransform, // newPosition minus currentElement's position, /* * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */, /* every time inputElement resets, the draggin stops (you actually don't even need to track it, but it made things easier in the begining, I'll change it next time I get to play with it. ***> wrote: Tagged with Events, Input, Mouse Input, MouseMove, PreviewMouseMove, WPF, February 27, 2011 Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub If you do want to see mouse events on a Panel, you need to explicitly set itsBackground property. Because these events propagate, however, the events will also tunnel down to the control that the mouse is over and then bubble back up the logical tree. You may want to check for programs like Nahimic or try to run the program on other machines. <. In example below just run the app and quickly move mouse over buttons and you will see that from time to time buttons will disappear. The NotifyIcon can be placed at the Mouse Position by using the BalloonTipLocation property. Now you could add persistence in the form load and form close for the controls and nothing stands in the way of the user designing the forms. Controls on mouse hover disappear spontaneously. Move Controls With The Mouse On A Form At Runtime in C#, Moving a control by dragging it with the mouse in C#, How To Add Newline in a TextBox control in C#. When the mouse leaves the rectangle, it will show a message that mouse has left and the rectangle will change to its default color. Rotation + Transformation then the above code is useless. did you read the linked issue mentioned in the previous responses? Introducing help desk ticketing software. Most controls in WPF inherit a series of mouse input events fromtheUIElement class. If there is, then the 10 unit jump takes place. The end result looks something like this: Filed under Miscellaneous NahimicOSD. Well occasionally send you account related emails. Very nice - simple and elegant. Actual behavior: canvas gets the coordinates of the current control and captures the mouse on it. Note that this will fail if you haven't set the initial value of the Canvas.Left property as described earlier. The cause of the problems are third party applications like Nahimic which intrude into other processes incorrectly. This code sample uses the simplest WPF Elements - a Canvas and a couple of Rectangles. This issue is marked as "Needs More Information" - what more do you need from us? Filed under Events When we move the mouse of the space where the button whoseVisibility isHidden, we dont see theMouseMove event firing. It's a reasonable assumption to make, especially as you can see the Image in exactly that location. to your account. Here we initialize the list of elements that can be moved and add the elements to this list using Add. When I use these code above, because of FlowDocumentPageViewer's feature I guess, for the first time I click, the element isn't moved. 3 Comments. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Moving over buttons should only change default background color. If not, then the Image is shunted back to far left of the Canvas. Sign in We will process this request shortly and get back to you if required. You set an initial value on the Canvas.Top property then increment this when the MouseDown event fires. As you can see, the first line tests if there is still enough width remaining for the Image to be moved 10 elements to the right and still be visible. In a follow-up blog, I plan to take this task a step further and look at ways of giving the user several ways of achieving the Image movement - all of which loop back to a single piece of code, ="", ="", WPF: How To Move Controls and Elements At Runtime, EmailVerify.NET - six levels of email address validation, How To Upload and Download Files with FTP from a VB.NET Application, How To Use a Previously Created Custom Control in a New Application, Serialize and Deserialize a Collection of Objects to a Data File. Learn more. I don't know if this is something WPF can control or not, but it is clearly a major problem. In the example below, we dont seeMouseMove event on theCanvas unless were moving the mouse over one of the childButtons.