Heasked Rahul when he would come. Doctor suggested/advised the patient to change his food habits. The Principal said to us, Dont make a noise. and pronouns (I, you, my, your, etc.) He said that honesty is the best policy. {Universal Truth}.
Dad told Pankaj that he would not give him pocket money. "What have you decided to do?" (When the reporting verb is in the present tense, adverbs of time and place do not normally change in indirect speech.) He said to me, I am your best friend. She bade Mayank good bye. - He asked me if I would make coffee. "Did he marry Sue?" Tell can introduce statements, commands, requests or advice. When a person said something in the past and now we tell somebody what that person said, the time is different, and for this reason, the verb tenses change. I have lost my mobile. My boss ordered me not to come inside the room. Arnavi said, Unbelievable! Hewill say to me,I am fine. My friend exclaimed with wonder that Emiway was a great rapper. - He persuaded me not to hesitate. He said, I cant believe this! I missed it. He exclaimed with wonder/surprise that he couldnt believe that. 32. 27. 13. She wished her dad good morning. 37. He said that Ravi had met him the previous day. I shall, we shall usually become would. 6. Last week Jim said: "I'm playing next week." 3 'I've been ill for a couple of weeks.' Do you need to learn the irregular verbs in English? He requested me to keep the windows open. He prayed that I might succeed in life. When we report something that is still true. Julie: "He moved a year ago." He said, Would that I were a girl! Hesaidthat hewasfine. "Will you make coffee?" 46. What Is The Purpose Of Descriptive Essays? Hesaid,I am fine. to talk about the speaker and the first person (I, me, my) to talk about ourselves, the listener. Aman wished that his friends had been there. They asked me, "Where is the next supermarket?" "Will you come?" 8. My friend said that he had been to English thrice. Here is a list of irregular verbs with definitions and examples! Boss said, Follow me. She asked them to help her. She said that I should talkwould talktalked to Jim. He said (that) he didn't want it. He exclaimed with sorrow that he had missed the chance.
The direct and indirect speech are used to say what other people said, thought or felt. He said, May you succeed in life! She exclaimed with joy that it was a very pleasant weather. If is more common and whether is more formal. He said to Meena, I must consult a doctor. He said that he must leavelefthad to leave early that day. Spaces (don't add any unnecessary spaces). 15. He asked if he was at home. 12. In the direct speech we do not mention the person in the imperative. Aman wished that his friends had been there. Dear students and teachers: Please make sure you subscribe to the free grammar updates, English Practice Learn and Practice English Online, Declarative, Imperative, Exclamatory Or Interrogative. He exclaimed with wonder that Ranveer was so handsome. 12).yesterday to replace the previous day. Questions with ask He asked usif/whether we wouldcome for the meeting. Indirect - direct speech exercise 5 Rewrite sentences. He said that hewould bein Mumbai the next/following day. He asked usif/whether we wouldcome for the meeting.
"What time did it start?" - She said she had brought me the book.
42. Before submitting the test, check the following: What are idioms? She exclaimed with sorrow that she had lost her pen. "I shall appreciate it," he said. The reported (indirect) speech is typically introduced by verbs such as say, tell, admit, complain, explain, remind, reply, think, hope, offer, refuse etc. 15. If we say his sentence a week later, we will say: He asked me what I was doing. 26. He said, Who are you? Carol was a nice girl. 5. He prayed that Mayank might succeed in life. They said, "We went swimming with our friends." Reported speech exercise (requests and commands), Nine Spelling Rules To Master The ING Forms, Possessive Of Proper Nouns Ending In S, X, and Z. Susan said, "My parents are clever scientists." - He said he would appreciate it. Arnavi said to her dad, Good night! 2. She requested her husband to speak the truth. "Don't give up," the teacher told her students. 6. 1 'I work in a bank.' Hetells me thatheisfine. Anjali requested her boss to grant her leave for a day. When a person tells us something, he or she uses the first person (I, me, my, we, us, our) to talk about himself or herself and the second person (you, your) to talk about us, the person listening. He said to me, Please keep the windows open. He exclaimed with wonder that Ranveer was so handsome. Doctor suggested/advised the patient to change his food habits. 31. 11. - He urged me to revise for the test. she said. 25. (or) She bade good bye to Mayank. He wished that he had been a girl. He said to Ravi, I need to go home with you. - He asked me where I had been. Phrasal verbs are generally used in spoken English and informal texts. He asked who they were. she said. She asked Mayank whom he would meet that day. He said, Iwill bein Mumbai tomorrow. He said to me, May you live long! - I advised him to put on his coat. The commands, requests and advice mostly have the same form in English: verb + object + infinitive (advise, ask, beg, forbid, order, persuade, recommend, tell, urge, warn etc.). I should, we should usually change into would. He said that the horse had been fed. He said, Ravi met me yesterday. He said that hewould be usingthe bike next Monday. "Don't park in my place," Greg told me. 10. The form is different, however. He told us that the sun rises (rose) in the east. 1. 11. "I brought you this book," she said. He said, Oh! The reporting verb say changes into ask, want to know, wonder 6 'I can't do it without your help.' John said that he knew/knows her name and address. Aman bade his friends good bye. 24. "Get up!" 11. Check out our list of hundreds of phrasal verbs classified in alphabetical order. He said that hewould be usingthe bike next Monday. She asked them, "Help me, please." - Greg asked me not to park in his place. 4. He prayed that Shweta might pass the interview that day. Peter said (that) He said that Raveena had a car. He said, The horse has been fed. - She hoped Dan would come. The most common verbs we use in reported speech aresay andtell. 21. Thank you so much for pointing it out. 23. - Julie said he had moved a year before. Similarly ask is used in reported questions, commands, requests or advice in different forms. - He wanted to know what time it had started. - He told me today he would go on holiday tomorrow. - They said they wanted the flowers. If something is said and reported at the same time, the time expressions can remain the same. now - then, today - that day, tomorrow - the next day/the following day, the day after tomorrow - in two days' time, yesterday - the day before, the day before yesterday - two days before, next week/month - the following week/month, last week/month - the previous week/month, a year ago - a year before/the previous year. TRENDING BLOGS
Isn't it a pleasure to study and practice what you have learned? Online exercises with answers for pre-intermediate to advanced levels. Good afternoon sir He says that he is glad to be here this evening. She said that German is/was easy to learn. 31. She told me that she had beenwould behas been at the doctor all morning. If these verbs are in the past tense, we change the following: 5. 10. 7. 13. He said to me, Please keep the door ajar. On the other hand, if something is reported later, the time expressions are different in the indirect speech. 2. Reported questions and commands exercises PDF. Discover a list of the most widely used idiomatic expressions! She asked Mayank whom he would meet that day. "They called us," he said. When a sentence is made and reported at the same time and the fact is still true. Mary: "Greg came yesterday." Read more about English grammar books PDF on e-grammar.org. In no.26, come will be changed into go according to the change of other parts of speech, Your email address will not be published. He said that Seema had towork hard. Betty said, "Sam told me the truth." Weve corrected the mistake. She wished that Raveena had been there. 19. Neha exclaimed with sorrow that she had lost her mobile. When we tell people what another person said or thought, we often use reported speech or indirect speech. She told us not to stay up too late. 28. 30. Neha said, Alas! 3. Tom said (that) he liked PE best. John said that he was very busy then. Hesays to me,I am fine. (or) She bade good bye to Mayank. He said, Ill be usingthe bike next Monday. "We painted the hall last weekend," she told me this week. If someone doesn't ask you politely or gives you an order, use (not) to + infinitive. 8 'I must leave early today.' - He said he would be there at 10 o'clock. We must pay attention here.

She said to me, Would that you were here at that time! He exclaimed with sorrow that the situation was so tragic. She said, Oh! "Leave the room," he told John. She said to Mayank, Whom will you meet today? He prayed that I might earn lots of money. We saytell somebody something, andsay something (to somebody). 7. He told me he would lendwas lendinglent me the money. And she said: "Greg came yesterday." She said she hadn't donecouldn't dodidn't do it without my help. He asked how many people there were. We do not change the past tense in spoken English if it is clear from the situation when the action happened. I missed the chance. She asked them how often they played golf. He exclaimed with sorrow that he had missed the chance. 2. Arnavi bade her dad good night. We asked them, "Did she arrive in time?" OR He said he didnt believe me. Here usually becomes there. she asked him. She said, Would that she were at home! 14. He said, Will you listen to me? 50. 1. My uncle exclaimed with applause that I had done a good job. Learn how to change tenses, pronouns, expressions of time and place if you change the direct speech into indirect speech. 35. He said, Sorry for being rude to you! 45. John ordered Peter to go away. Your email address will not be published. They said (that) they had gone swimming with their friend. 1. She wished that I had been there at that time. He said that he had workedhas workedworked in a bank. She told us shewas workingworkedis workingthat day. He said to me, I dont believe you. 3. He asked if he was at home. - She wondered if/whether he had married Sue. Required fields are marked *, He truly said that No onecan livewithout water. {Universal Truth}, He said that honesty is the best policy. {Universal Truth}. Direct - indirect speech exercise 2 Report a dialogue. He said to Shweta, Please speak the truth. Sachin said to me, Good evening, Sir! - She wondered why he wouldn't do it. He asked her to close the door. She requested Boby to give her a glass of water. 10. He said (that) he might arrive late. They told her / him / me / them / us (that) George likes her / his / my / their / our sister. Bill: "She will leave tomorrow." Statements with tell Negative commands, requests and advice are made by verb + object + not + infinitive. He exclaimed with regret that he was rude to me. TENSES | VERBS | TRANSLATIONS | PREPOSITIONS | DAILY USE SENTENCES |VOCABULARY | PRONUNCIATION | PHRASAL VERBS | TIPS n TRICKS | INTERVIEW Q&A | PUNCTUATION MARKS | ACTIVE PASSIVE | DIRECT INDIRECT | PARTS OF SPEECH | SPEAKING PRACTICE | LISTENING PRACTICE | WRITING PRACTICE | ESSAYS | SPEECHES | APA RESEARCH PAPERS, , WhatsApp, Facebook Thank you! 12.
She requested her friends not to tell a lie. 9. May becomes might. Direct questions become reported questions with the same word order as statements. 24. he said. Arnavi exclaimed with regret that she was late. 7. They told her / him / me / them / us,"You are clever.". At school: "I'll be here at 10 o'clock," he said. 17. 22. Dad told Pankaj that he would not give him pocket money. The teacher ordered/instructed Rehman to stand up right then. She told me to get outI get outI got out. He said that he should meet me in the evening. "Dan will come," she hoped. "I will go on holiday tomorrow," he told me today. 32. 18. My friend said, I have been to England thrice. - The doctor warned my father not to smoke. He told me that he didnt believe me. 10 'Get out!' 16. She explained that she had been at the seaside. Call the witness, said the judge. She said to me, How could you be so foolish! Arnavi exclaimed with wonder/surprise that it was unbelievable. Copyright 5. In yes/no questions we use if or whether in questions. 41. He said, Icanrun faster than Ravi. He said that he was writing letters. He said that hecouldrun faster than Ravi.