To the south sit the more rustic (no bath inside) Kilchis and Quechua.
This multi-functional facility works well for groups large and small, and for a wide variety of activities from skits to concerts, from chapel services to table games.
There is a bathroom with shower, a small kitchenette with a microwave oven and mini refrigerator, and a table and chairs. Respond. Build a fire in the fireplace. Take another stroll on the beach and thank the Lord for his care and compassion.
I come away refreshed, renewed, and remolded. Some staff participate by working in specialized areas like lifeguarding, archery instruction, or in the camp store.
It is ideal as a cabin for a retreat speaker or whenever special, separate housing is needed. I could never have anticipated the rewards this week has given me. The camps largest meeting rooms are equipped with public address systems, video projection, and pianos. Relax together near a crackling fire. Whatever the task, Summer Staff members work together toward the common goal of developing a servants heart. All together, the Cabins of the Trees have 96 beds and 120 bed spaces (two persons per double bed).
Build sand castles at the beach, sip tea near a cozy fireplace, ride the zip line, roast smores, row a boat, take in a round of mini golf, or enjoy a hike through the forest and simply spend unencumbered time together with family, friends, and God. The camp is situated on 120 wooded acres, with mountain trails, alakefront, and modern accommodations for more than 300 persons. Thanks for you patience.
For more specific information, please contactTwin Rocks Executive DirectorKen Beebe. Rekindle. April 2022 Sabbath Retreats: Fourteen of the rooms also have twin-sized bunks. Most of the rooms in Hadley Hall are equipped with bunk beds and can sleep 7-8 persons each. Lounge chairs and small group gatherings add to its function as a main hub of activity for the camp.
Being a part of Summer Staff means working hard.
It is a time to receive great blessings and unload burdens.

Each of the three large beach homes, the Lighthouse, Anchorage, and Harbor House, comes equipped with full kitchens, so groups can do their own cooking, and comfortable sleeping, living, and dining areas.
Historic Hadley Hall, built in 1935, is named for Chester Hadley, whose inspiration led to the founding of Twin Rocks Friends Camp in 1918. TRACKS is slated to resume in the Fall of 2022.
April 11-14, 2022(4pm Monday 10am Thursday) As staff, we each do our part and help make it happen. It has a ramp rather than stairs, and a bathtub rather than shower.
Families have the opportunity to laugh, learn, and explore together during their week at camp. He has been on the leadership team of Sabbath by the Sea for the last decade. Twin Rocks has a number of carpeted meeting rooms of various sizes: the Meetinghouse has padded chairs and seating for 350 and the Shelter (our gymnasium) seats 600. Do all this while growing yourself in faith and skills. Please try again later. Wildly creative recreation games, thought-provoking and engaging speakers, and plenty of time to be at the beach or relaxing with friends, all come together to create a unique camp experience.Registration is now open. Each cabin is equipped with two full restrooms.
Pacific Woods Lodge is Twin Rocks most deluxe facility. If you need peace we have set up peaceful places.
Ive really grown in my personal relationship with God, how to listen and seek Him., SLP has proven, year after year, to be meaningful, transformational, and a whole lot of fun., This summer I have been reminded about the importance of reading my Bible and dedicating each day to the Lords will. This intimate lounge with fireplace and sofas is a favorite among adults. I was given the space and freedom to seek and hear and be with God in my own unique way, in the shared community of saints.
Its a true retreat an extended time of conversation with Christ under the tutelage of a spiritual guide. lead mein a straight path.
Barbara B. Barbara P. (Newberg, Oregon), I came tired and depleted from the rigors and joys of ministry. A computer station and password-protected wi-fi access make it a popular place for individuals to check email during adult conferences.
It was a privilege and I am very thankful. Ive become more confident and outgoing. Located on 120 magnificent acres at the Oregon Coast,Twin Rocks Friends Camp & Conference Center sponsors Christian camps and retreats for people of all ages and providesrental accommodationsfor groups of up to 350. High quality staff and counselors lead groups of campers through a variety of activities which include everything from rafting on the lake and hiking on the trails to playing miniature golf, shooting arrows on the archery range, singing silly songs, and enjoying engaging stories. Take a walk on the beach collecting sea shells and talking with God.
The living room has a propane fireplace and a small, but beautiful, ocean view. If utilized exclusively for couples, the cabins will accommodate a maximum of 48 persons. Front Office. (Austin, Texas). Each year more than 13,000 individuals utilize Twin Rocks Friends Camp for such purposes as youth retreats, summer camps, outdoor schools, Elderhostels, mens / womens church retreats and family camps. It is a great place for small meetings like any coffee shop, its also a place where prayer happens quite a bit for those that prefer a good coffee with their prayer. Its uninterrupted time for just you and God, finding restoration from lifes trials and wounds.
For Womens Retreats, Mens Retreats, and Youth Camps:Each cabin has four bunkbeds, two of which are doublewide (or queen) on the bottom bunk, providing 8 beds and 10 bed spaces per cabin. God met me here! Return to your room for some Bible reading and journaling. The facility has six bedrooms, including a handicapped accessible room with bath.
12:30pm: Grab some lunch and continue time with God. Two deluxe style rooms on the second floor have a queen bed, full bathroom, closet, table with chair and full linen service. Maybe youd just like some extended time alone with God, or in-depth conversation with old friends. One upstairs sleeping room has one queen bed and 4 bunks, and the second sleeping room has one double bed and 4 bunks. Acquired by Twin Rocks in 1978, Harbor Villa Retreat Center is a five-unit oceanfront facility ideal for small retreat groups and family reunions of 10-40 people.
Twin Rocks Friends Camp & Conference Center offers a wonderful array of camps and retreats formulated to meet the unique needs of you and your family. In these programs you will be invested in and get to invest in others.
For reservations, please call Liana Peters in our guest services office (503) 355-2284. Something significant, yet subtle, took place, and my encounter with the living God will continue to infuse my soul.
Harbor House has a full kitchen, living and dining areas, and a propane fireplace.
Each room is carpeted and equipped with a full bathroom and two showers. Sabbath by the Sea offers a chance to spend several days at the Oregon Coast simply listening to God. The staff truly resemble what it means to sacrifice themselves for the Kingdom of God. Ivy Waltschew (George Fox University).
Kilchis is a duplex, Quechua a triplex: Each of the five units is equipped with a double bed and a bunk bed.
When I picked her up she said, I wish camp could last all summer long!, When we asked our son what his liked about Tween Camp, he listed everything from recreation to worship. We strive to make sure that Twin Rocks is a place where everyone is able to come, learn, grow, build memories and strengthen relationships. April 18-21, 2022: LaNeal Miller & Stan Leach.
If you dont know where or what to do someone is there with the answer.. Reflect. It was a wonderful time of growth and renewal. Everything that happens at Twin Rocks Friends Camp keeps this focus in mind; from recreation activities that foster fun and fellowship to more focused times such as worship in the Meetinghouse, team-building games, and learning from inspiring teachers. Twin Rocks Friends Camp & Conference Center | All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy, 120 Magnificent Acres at the Oregon Coast, Book an Outdoor School at the Oregon Coast. One of the most striking features of the Pacific Woods Lodge is its meeting room. These cabins pleasant appearance make them among the camps most popular accommodations. The total sleeping capacity is 14 (10 beds). The camp enjoys an extremely loyal clientele, with guest groups returning year after year to enjoy retreats at Twin Rocks. A Kiddie Korral play structure on the west side of the Shelter provides outdoor fun for children, and a Shelter Patio (complete with patio furniture, small amphitheater and fire pit ) merges with a grassy greenway on the east side of the building. Rooms on the facilitys first floor are handicapped-accessible.
The accordion dividers are not sound-proof, but they provide privacy for each family unit. I am much more sure of myself as a person and as a leader of others who strives to put people before himself., I had the opportunity to find myself through Gods eyes and I was held accountable to be a role model of how a leader should be., If you want to be challenged spiritually, grow as a person, and have the time of your life while doing it, SLP is for you!, Ive grown more fully into the person God created me to be and in my confidence of my skills and abilities., Being a part of Summer Staff at Twin Rocks has allowed me to cultivate my faith in exciting and new ways through a community based lifestyle. Prices include all lodging, meals and program expenses. A Christ-centered family camp with a focus on science and environmental education.
Twin Rocks Friends Camp & Conference Center | All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy.
Could you benefit from several days spent at an Oregon Coast retreat center with the express purpose of taking time and space to simply interact with God? On the main floor there is a bedroom with one queen bed and a handicapped accessible bathroom across the hall. Newlyweds receive a special discount! Return to your room and take a nap. Also in lower Friendship Center are the camps guest services staff, available to assist with any camper needs. Please dont let a lack of funds deter you from coming. We always know what to expect, what to bring, how to prepare. And grow together through meaningful teaching times targeted uniquely for each age group, including engaging talks with our camp speakers. Family camps and adult retreats are all about relationships relaxing, conversing, worshiping, and playing together. Extended time alone with God space for solitude, reflection, relaxation, and renewal, Daily gatherings of the Sabbath by the Sea community for worship and prayer, A seaside setting along the Oregon Coast blustery storms pounding ashore, followed by days of calm and thoughtful strolls along the beach, A chance to interact with God through a spectrum of Jesus Christ-focused practices such as journaling, artwork, Scripture, beach walks, and classic Christian writings, Personalized guidance and insight from spiritual guides renowned for their care, wisdom, and commitment to Jesus Christ, An opportunity to worship God through music, A schedule that adapts to meet your unique needs and concerns. 6:30am: Rise early before the rest of the crowd and begin your day with a fresh piece of fruit, a good cup of coffee, and some quiet conversation with the Lord.
Family Retreatsspecifically focus on families navigating the challenges of disability. Do it! It has been sent.
(selections from Psalm 27, NIV). Additionally, there is an outdoor campfire ring with seating, a tetherball, a horseshoe pit, and barbeque grills. TRACKS is a FREE after school experience sponsored by Twin Rocks Friends Camp! Our two smaller units, Captains Cabin and Lower Deck, may be rented in combination with the larger homes when additional housing is needed. April 18-21, 2022(4pm Monday 10am Thursday). Of the 21 rooms available, 9 are completely private and 12 utilize the dividers. However, the Central Restroom facility is located across the path from Kilchis and Quechua to serve these cottages.). Half-week retreats will be held in April 2022.
As a worry-prone mama, its a JOY to send my kids to TRFC and never, ever wonder if theyre OK I know that youre watching out for them physically, emotionally and spiritually. The room may be sub-divided in two with an accordion-style divider. Most of our sleeping accommodations (Pacific Woods lodge is the exception) come with a mattress and fitted sheet by default so we expect our guests to bring their own pillow and sleeping bag as desired. Wait for the Lord;
Stay afterward for a turn helping wash dishes. Thank you for your message.
Start a new family tradition and join us at Twin Rocks as we celebrate the birth of Christ! 2022 Rental Fee: $412 per night, plus $8/person/night (10 person minimum). The Lodges 16 private rooms are each equipped with a queen-sized bed with a cozy duvet and a full bath. At the north end is Twin Rocks newest and most deluxe cabin, known as Osprey. No ocean view. I came away with more than I could have imagined: peace, healing, and refreshment. 2022 Rental Fee:$220 per night, plus $8/person/night (10 person minimum). There is one bedroom with a queen bed, a bathroom with shower, a full kitchen, and a dining table with chairs. Meeting amenities include a TV/VCR, compact disc player, group address system, electronic keyboard, flip charts/easel, and a video projection system. I want you to know how very much I enjoyed staying at the Prayer Lookout. The room enjoys large picture windows with views across the meadow.
Couples Conference at Twin Rocks is a chance to enhance and renew your marriage. When sub-divided, the south half of Netarts Bay Room can be used as an overflow sleeping area (5 sets of bunk beds line the south wall).
Jean M. (Vancouver, Washington), Sabbath by the Sea was better than I had hoped for! Please registerHERE. At the eastern edge of the meadow are six cottages known collectively as the Shorebird Cabins, totaling 88 beds (105 bed spaces if two are placed in each double bed) in 17 rooms. There is a large living/meeting/dining area with woodstove, full kitchen, and two restrooms.
With its hardwood floors, natural wood walls and windows overlooking a meadow, the Arts & Crafts Building serves as an ideal locale for crafts projects, or as a meeting room for up to 30 people. All rooms are private (or shared with your spouse). Tillamook Bay Room.
Surrounded by nature with a sensational view of the Pacific Ocean, the Prayer Lookout has been designed for an overnight stay for one or two guests. This week-long, overnight program offers engaging opportunities for learning as well as a variety of classic camp activities such as boating, archery, and arts and crafts. This occurs through behind-the-scenes work, up-front leadership opportunities, interactions with campers and guests, mentoring relationships, and working alongside an intentional community of Twin Rocks staff with a shared purpose and vision. The best camp experience Ive had; truly amazing place.
Friendships are forged. While the divider is not fully sound proof, couples and families enjoy the privacy which these 24 half-cabins afford. Or compose a song on your guitar. If you need relationship we have set up spaces for meetings big and small. We want to come back again.
Harbor Villa Retreat Center is located on the beautiful Oregon coast. At Twin Rocks, we desire for each person to grow in relation to self and others, but most importantly to grow inrelationship with God through Jesus Christ. Questions? Hadley Hall has 97 beds (and 122 bed spaces when two are placed in each double bed).
Twin Rocks Friends Camp and Conference Center is built for you!
He holds a bachelors degree in Christian ministry from Barclay College and certification in Spiritual Direction from San Francisco Theological Seminary. The total sleeping capacity is 22 (19 beds). Harbor Villa is aministry of Twin Rocks Friends Camp and Conference Center and is governed by the Evangelical FriendsChurches of southwest Washington and western Oregon.
Whether it be making new friends or reconnecting with old ones, sharing deep thoughts with your counselor as they listen to your heart, or realizing anew the love of God through the beauty of creation all around you, Twin Rocks is a place for connection on the deepest levels. The large A-Frame gymnasium known as The Shelter provides an excellent area to play basketball and volleyball. In the center are Heron, Pelican, and Sandpiper.
Stroll along the shoreline hand in hand.
Summer camps at Twin Rocks are designed to provide youth with active, adventure-filled experiences within a safe and caring environment. It is rare that a year goes by without at least one death on the Twin Rocks beach.
spiritual directors (or spiritual guides), Each room is equipped with a queen-sized bed and a full bath, Meeting amenities include a TV/VCR, compact disc player, group address system, electronic keyboard, flip charts/easel, and a video projection system, Complimentary coffee and tea service are conveniently provided, 97 beds (and 122 bed spaces when two are placed in each double bed).
When we asked him to narrow it down to what his favorite part was, he told us he couldnt narrow it down to just one thing because he loved every part of Tween Camp!, Camp is INCREDIBLY well run. Scholarships are available as an option atregistration. Under Craigs direction, each week will be hosted by a different set ofspiritual directors (or spiritual guides)who will lead community gatherings and offer (optional) one-on-one spiritual guidance sessions. Camp Levi is a retreat where families affected by disability will be encouraged, find hope, and engage in lots of fun activities.
And, it is a refuge of rest and peace from the daily challenges and struggles of life. Please consider participating in one or both of these impressive camps, or volunteering!
Our newest cabin is a quadplex completed in April 2008. I highly recommend it! The Anchorage has four bedrooms (one on the main level and three on the lower level), each with a double bed, and a large upstairs sleeping area with six twin beds. 9:30am: Sitting in an overstuffed chair next to a magnificent fireplace, hear and practice some spiritual disciplines that can help bring about spiritual growth. Upon request, the Shelter can be set up with chairs to accommodate large groups of up to 600 persons.
Adult & Family Conferences. Upper Friendship Center. Its the joy of choosing to wholeheartedly follow him, responding submissively to his call upon you, while basking in his love for you. Craig also provides Spiritual Direction for pastors and others in his work with the Irvine, California based ministry of Soul Shepherding.
Today, Hadley Hall remains the camps largest building, and serves as an ideal location for womens retreats, family conferences, and youth camps. Need a larger facility?
A piano, PA system, and coffee self-service are frequently-utilized amenities. 2022 Rental Fee:$62, plus $8/person/night (May be rented only in conjunction with larger units). The Cabins of the Trees are among Twin Rocks Friends Camps most popular. I got to spend so much time alone with the Lord, as well as really enjoy and learn from time in community, and all this under the guidance of wonderful spiritual guides. Twin Rocks Friends Camp & Conference Center | All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy. The work is challenging and rewarding. 10:15am: Begin some extended time alone with the Lord.
If requested, lower Friendship Center may be converted to a meeting space for groups of up to 50 people.
The Welcome Center is the first place that a guest director should come check in to the guest services front office.
Camps at Twin Rocks strive to promote a rich sense of community while also paying attention to the value of each individual as they are drawn into relationship with their creator.