This event is for high school age and up. Men For Christ Ministries (MFCM Inc) was formed in 2004, after three Christian men saw a need for a practical, biblical based conference for men in the west of Sydney. These talks will help men find comfort, life, blessing, salvation, abundance, and meaning in our mixed-up world.

Dave works as a pastor at EV Church on the Central Coast of NSW. You can use the Concession rate if you would appreciate some financial assistance in registering, for example if you are a full time student, a single parent, a veteran, a senior (over 65), or you live on the pension, disability income or other low income. It aims to offer a choice of topics on the day that are presented with a solid biblical foundation, but which provide practical examples and advice that men can use to cope with the challenges that they, their family and friends face in life. Get ready for our Man Up Mens Conference September 30 October 1! Sign up now to receive details of the activities that are happening as we prepare for the conference.

Men's Ministry Conference - June 17th & June 18th, Men, we too are moving on in 2022 and God has called us to Lead By Example. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. To establish conferences and seminars as a springboard for evangelistic outreach. Listen to or watch the keynote addresses from past conferences. Location:1000 N. Great Neck Rd., Virginia Beach, VA 23454. Dominic is known for calling it as it is. To empower churches in creative outreach for men. We cant wait to see you September 30 October 1, 2022 full schedule is below! Dave is married to Sammy and they have 6 kids. He is married and has four grown children. This is going to be an incredible time for the men to gather.
Joe loves woodwork, fishing, board games, and his food. To produce a Godly and practical conference with Christian speakers who come from a range of evangelical denominations and backgrounds. Gary Millar will be teaching from 2 Corinthians, showing us the magnificent message that Gods power meets us in our weakness, not in human strength. They shared this vision with other Christian men, and identified their aims as: This was to be based on the underlying ethos of: Each year the conference aims to provide men with quality speakers, specialist exhibitors, and topics that may be difficult to handle in their church group but are important in enabling men to become more effective Christians in all their relationships, whether as a husband, father, son, friend, leader. To inspire Christian men by hearing about established ministries to men. Prior to working in ministry he was in the Australian Army for the best part of a decade which is where someone told him the truth about Jesus and he became a Christian. To hold to the direction of Jesus as found in. Joe has been the pastor at Ingleburn since 2009 and also Macquarie Fields since 2018. To transform men in Christ through the Spirit applying Gods word to real-life struggles.
Listen to the option session addresses from past conferences. Sign up to receive occasional emails from us. We have invited guest, Benny Perez and our very own Pastor Steve Kelly! We look forward to hosting you September 30 October 1, 2022 for an amazing Mens Conference. Please note that childcare will not be provided. He served as a Bishop within the Anglican Church and before taking up the role as the National Director of FIEC he was the Chief Operating Officer for City Bible Forum. Set aside the day to be challenged by Gods word and Spirit to help us find comfort through affliction, sufficiency through insufficiency, life through death, blessing through suffering, salvation through grief, abundance through poverty, and boasting through hardship!
Copyright Canberra Christian Conventions 2021, That is why, for Christs sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. The conference is designed for men ages 16+, Registration: $30 (includes all conference sessions and lunch on Saturday),, Faith Fellowship Church - 10277 Valley View Rd, Macedonia, OH 44056, roundedfacebook: Faith Fellowship Church of Macedonia, OH. Its a day out of your routine to reconnect with other men, hear Biblical application specifically for men, and get more spiritually integrated with Gods will. The acceptance of the Bible as Gods word and the base of all our teaching and action. The pack includes a flyer, poster, video, group booking form and Bible Study. The Apostles Creed, the Nicene Creed and the Athanasian Creed. Hes a husband, dad, pastor of Village Church in Annandale & director of Christians in the Media. He loves telling people about Jesus, lebanese chicken and the Sydney Roosters.