It is most common in trees growing outside of their native range. If you have a good hand lens you can see the black fruiting bodies in the white bands of the needle.
It's an upright pyramidal tree with bluish-green to silver-blue needles, and it's often used in the home landscape because of its unique blue coloration. Dead/dying branches are seen randomly on the affected tree. Just started doing this this summer. The needles then die and fall off the following year. The following will help you manage rust disease:Prune away dead branches, twigs, and infected areas of the tree.Remove fallen foliage and destroy it (burn it).Apply a fungicide to the tree after removing signs of the infection.Deep water the tree once per week to help it recover from the stress. Blue spruce needles are actually green, but covered with white bloom. Needles of the affected Blue Spruce turn brown/purplish-brown and fall off the tree. Infested needles are yellowish before turning brown. ing spring, when infected needles turn purple to brown and begin to drop (Figures 2, 3, and 4).
The appearance of small black spots, premature needle loss and a thinning canopy can be signs of Rhizosphaera needle cast. On Colorado blue spruce a second infection cycle can occur on new needles causing them to turn purple by fall. Rhizosphaera needle cast (Rhizosphaera kalkhoffii) is a foliar disease of spruce trees. This is when Then look for: Yellow needles, typically on the lower branches, in mid-to-late summer. This keeps the needles hydrated and healthy. Expert Response. Mulch, the root spread region, to These infected needles will frequently fall off leaving bare twigged branches scattered throughout the tree. ), and it often suffers from environmental stresses such as drought, excessive heat, humidity, and compacted or heavy clay soilsmaking it an already poor choice for our landscape. Owner of Tree Frog Tree Care Inc. And once established they don't need much water. By far the most common complaint of cultivated blue spruces is needle cast disease, mostly that caused by the fungus Rhizospaera kalkhoffii. There are several fungal issues and diseases that Colorado blue spruce trees can develop over time that will result with needle loss and dead branches, Rhizospera needle cast is just one of them. Too much water or not enough water. (Note: as used here, the word bloom has absolutely nothing

Winter burn. The needles turn brown, and just touching the tree causes them to fall off. After several successive years of needle loss branches may die. Formerly yellow needles turning brown to purple-brown during fall or winter. The disease begins on the tree's lower branches and works its way upward. Blue Spruce dies from the inside out if its infected by Cytospora canker disease. Evergreen Browning & Needle Drop with Alan Weninger Seasonal needle loss. During the growing season, the spores spread to other branches, or other trees, by splashing water. Rhizosphaera needle cast, commonly known as needle cast, is one of the most common fungal diseases of the Blue Spruce. One factor that affects the color of your spruce tree is the condition of the epicuticular wax. Pine needle scale. Some of you may have noticed in your yard, or in your travels throughout Calgary, that spruce and pine trees with browning needles sometimes display a bit of a purple hue. The infectious fungal disease starts near the base of the tree and spreads upward. In some cases, however, infections start higher on the tree, giving the appearance of scattered dead areas. A girdled root cuts off or reduces the amount of water reaching the needles, causing purple needles. In the case of red spruce, it decreases a trees ability to deal with cold. Infected needles eventually drop off. It causes the needles of the spruce to take on a reddish-purple, brown or yellow tint before they fall from the tree. As soon as all the candles on the pine elongated, the inner needles within the branches started to brown and fall off and from 2 years of observing this, I attributed it to age and needles do drop seasonally. Let the water reach a depth of 12 to 15 inches. One of these fungal infections is known as cytospora canker, which primarily affects Colorado blue spruces. It is most common on Colorado blue spruce (Picea pungens) but also infects white spruce (P. glauca) and occasionally Norway spruce (P. abies). When you see discolored, bare, or dying branches on your Colorado blue spruce tree ( Picea pungens) the problem is likely the result of either insect infestation or disease. Needle cast diseases of Douglas fir Swiss needle cast of Douglas fir. Unlike the spider mite, damp, humid conditions encourage the growth of this pest. Blue spruce trees are also susceptible to Rhizosphaera needle cast, caused by the fungus Rhizosphaera. The tree is around 15 years old and was healthy until this. Any activity that damages spruce roots (like trenching or digging) also prevents them from absorbing water well, producing the off-color. In general, trees appear to die from the bottom upward.
So, it starts with spruce and ends with spruce, there is no intermediary host. Often starts at the bottom of the tree, on the inside, and works its way up the tree. As the disease progresses, the infected needles turn brown to Left untreated, needles turn brown, and after three years, the tree crown dies.
Needle cast diseases of Douglas fir Swiss needle cast of Douglas fir. By Jean-Mathieu Daoust. Spruce and pine trees can be prone to several fungal infections that can lead to needle discoloration and early drop. The Colorado blue spruce ( Picea pungens , USDA hardiness zones 2-7), also known as the blue or silver spruce, adds a unique color to your evergreen landscaping elements. Feeds on branch tips of white, black, and blue spruce shorter than 15 feet tall.

Purdue Landscape Report: Colorado blue spruce is not native to Indiana (no spruce is! If this is what youre seeing, your blue spruce tree is likely suffering from needle cast disease. All spruce trees, but especially those growing in or near lawns, need water during the dry fall and winter months. Rhizosphaera needle cast. Our local coniferous trees and shrubs include spruce, pine, fir larch, cedar and juniper. According to Schaberg and Hawley, winter injury in red spruce due to decreased cold tolerance is but one example of how acid precipitation-induced calcium depletion in forests disrupts the stress-response system of trees. It chews needles and spins silk webs on the ends of tree branches, primarily in the tree crown. The prevalence of diseases on blue spruce trees has intensified in recent years and trees are declining rapidly in many areas (Photo 1). The key symptom of spruce decline is branch dieback, which progresses over two to four years and renders the plants appearance unacceptable for most homeowners (Photo 2). The rapid decline of many spruce trees in Michigan and surrounding states appears to be related to an increase of canker diseases coupled with other disease and insect problems that Spruce budworm resembles a brownish colored caterpillar, is about 1 inch long, and causes damage from about June through August. 3. Articles. Needlecast is most common on Colorado blue spruce, but it does infect all spruces. It infects young needles and overwinters on living or recently killed foliage. Often starts at the bottom of the tree, on the inside, and works its way up the tree. Fig. Spruce trees can show brown needles starting from the lower limbs and progressing up the tree. a/aleiu 119 Babii the white swamp-honeysuckle (Azalea rimw. oinoot h it., a larjfe North*American shrub (.1. urbortveru *> with la nee and very fragrant rose-colored dowers.yel low a., a shrub (.1.Pimlico) from Asia Minor, with large tragrani dowers aod It can also affect the White and Black Hills Spruce. In spite of being called evergreens, coniferous trees dont keep their needles forever. These infected needles will frequently fall off leaving bare twigged branches scattered throughout the tree. What this means is that the life cycle of the needle rust is completed without an additional host. Chrysomyxa weirii: The spruce needle rust caused by this fungus is also known as Weirs Cushion.
Maintain thorough watering rather than multiple light waterings. Rhizosphaera needle cast is spread by splashing water from rain or irrigation. Additionally, blue spruce are often planted close together, creating conditions that cause diseases, such as needle-cast, that causes needles on lower branches to turn purple or brown, die and drop off the stems, according to an article published by Blue spruce (Picea pungens), also known as Colorado spruce, is commonly planted in landscapes for its attractive blue color and conical form. Needle discoloration from cytospora is typically purple or rust-colored, primarily on lower branches of mature spruce trees. New needles remain green, while old needles turn brown on a spruce infected with Rhizosphaera needlecast Plant disease tolerant trees. The truth is that the intensity of the blue of a Colorado blue spruce (selections of Picea pungens Glauca) depends on the concentration of its bloom, a powdery white wax that coats its needles. Then the needles turn brown, or sometimes purplish brown,before they defoliate through the late summer into fall.
After about five years the entire tree dies. Pollution. The appearance of purple spruce needles usually points to root dehydration. Usually feeds on needles in open-grown clusters of trees. Blue spruce varieties are very susceptible to Rhizosphaera. The fungus grows within the needles for almost a year with no symptoms; then needles turn yellow or purple-brown and die. Chionaspis pinifoliae. The following website provides more details and photos. We recently planted a Hopsi Colorado blue spruce that was quite expensive. Second-year needles turn a purple or brown color and eventually fall from the tree. Larvae present in late May through June. The needles turn brown or purple and drop from the tree. Infected older needles turn brown to purple and fall off lower and interior branches.
Give the tree a final heavy soaking in late fall before heavy ground frost to help it avoid winter drought. Purple needles in the interior of a spruce infected with Rhizosphaera. Seems to be slowly working its way up the tree and mostly on one side of the tree that faces west. Rhizosphaera needle cast can eventually kill a blue spruce if untreated. The most common needle problem of blue spruce in Maryland is a fungal disease caused by Rhizosphaeria kalkoffii. Needles at the tips of the tree remain green while older needles near the trunk become discolored. The main reason why Blue Spruce turns brown is the Rhizosphaera needle cast disease. Symptoms. Needle Cast or Needle Blight. It can take up to 15 months for the needles to show visible symptoms after the initial infection. Why is my blue spruce tree losing its needles? The rust caused by Chrysomyxa weirii is referred to as autoecious..

Wrap the pot and roots in an insulating material such as fibreglass insulation. Check the soil from time to time and give it a drink if needed, but just enough to keep it moist, not wet. Come springtime, you can choose to keep it in its pot outside and reuse it next Christmas, or plant it in your yard permanently. Once these needles turn brown, yellow, or red, they will likely begin to shed. Another possibility is a Sester dwarf blue spruce that is suppose to get no taller than 6 ft. Good idea to take off the top shelf of pavers - if you could work in some smaller bolders there, that could help "naturalize" the area. Why Is My Blue Spruce Turning Red & Losing Its Needles?Drought. A lack of moisture is the chief suspect when the blue spruce tree begins losing its needles. Needle Cast Disease. If a blue spruce is turning red and losing its needles, it likely is facing an onslaught of needle cast disease caused by the fungus Rhizosphaera kalkhoffii.Needle Cast Management. Spruce Needle Rust. Zebra grass is my new fav. I don't see any bugs while looking at the branches with a magnifying glass. Although the blue color is popular and common with cultivars, the green form is more common in the wild. Needles will typically stay on for 2-3 years so when it happens it does happen and needles do fall. It starts on the inner and lower growth and progresses upward through the tree. One of these fungal infections is known as cytospora canker, which primarily affects Colorado blue spruces. The needles on my blue spruce are turning brown and falling off. One reason why this problem is so challenging is that there are a number of possible reasons why your dwarf Alberta spruce may be dropping its needles, including: Excessive heat. MyPerfectColor spray paint is a fast-drying durable acrylic enamel coating suitable for interior or exterior use. Another fungal infection that mostly affects blue spruce. Environmental erosion caused by wind, rain, heat, and other types of exposure wears down the wax and causes a different light to be reflected. Tiny fruiting bodies of the Rhizosphaera fungus protrude through the stomata of the in- Lower needles of blue spruce showing symptoms of needlecast. Do not plant Colorado blue spruce (Picea pungens) or other spruce that are not well adapted to the environmental conditions in your area.Plant Norway (P. abies) or white spruce (P. glauca) as they are more resistant to Rhizosphaera needle cast. A seriously sick blue spruce has purple or brown needles, dead branches and bald spots. If the damage appears during the winter or early spring, its probably the result of winter injury. Occasionally, the disease begins higher in the tree, with inner needles browning in the upper branches. Needles turn purple or brown in colour and eventually fall off. Fungal Diseases Spruce and pine trees can be prone to several fungal infections that can lead to needle discoloration and early drop. One common needle disease in Minnesota, Rhizosphaera needle cast, is caused by the fungus Rhizosphaera kalkhoffii. Figure 2. 1. Some diseases are treatable and some are not. It causes two year old and older growth to turn purple. Rhizosphaera is a fungus disease that tends to infect inner needles first. Severely infected tree showing the purple-brown needle symptoms. The beautiful needles of the Blue Spruce are not only the object of desire for many homeowners but also a target for various parasitic organisms. MyPerfectColor custom spray paint matched to Benjamin Moore 1074 Alpaca enables you to conveniently achieve a professional spray-smooth finish in any color in any sheen.Every pair of our two-ply, reversible socks are hand made and feature a delicate stitching. Why do pine needles turn purple? This discolouration of needles is due to winter injury, either by desiccation or extreme cold. 3059page 2 Rhizosphaera needle cast is a fungal disease that causes blue spruce needles to turn yellow in the summer, before turning them red to purple in the fall. Cytospora canker can be deadly as it forms cankers in the trunk of the Blue Spruce tree. Native to high elevation forests of the intermountain U.S., blue spruce is hardy in zones 2 to 7. Formerly yellow needles turning brown to purple-brown during fall or winter. Treatment Rhizosphaera needle cast can be treated with a trunk injection. On Colorado blue spruce a second infection cycle can occur on new needles causing them to turn purple by fall. Many homeowners that are experiencing needle cast will often This stately tree, known for its vibrant blue-green needles is particularly vulnerable to two specific insect pests and two types of disease. Brown needles beginning to fall, leaving large bare spots on trees that next summer or fall. On the lower branches, yellowing of first-year needles in mid-summer on 8-15 year-old trees. Symptoms: Needles turning brown and purple, starting with branches nearest the ground, then working its way up the tree leaving dry brittle twigs. When young, plants have a conical form The appearance of purple spruce needles usually points to root dehydration. Rhizosphaera needle cast, small black spots, which are the fruiting structures of the fungus, may appear in rows on the needles of the blue spruce. The Spruce / David Beaulieu. A seriously sick blue spruce has purple or brown needles, dead branches and bald spots. Then look for: Yellow needles, typically on the lower branches, in mid-to-late summer. Needles turn purple or brown in color and eventually fall off. The loss of needles on conifers in the fall is normal and natural. Photo: Sten Porse, Wikimedia Commons. A lack of moisture is the chief suspect when the blue spruce tree begins losing its needles. Brown needles beginning to fall, leaving large bare spots on trees that next summer or fall. Causes for Needle Drop on Dwarf Alberta Spruces. I have applied multiple applications of fungicide this spring (first noticed) that seem to have made matters worse.